What Distinguishes A Good Employer?

The labour market is changing: where employers among the best were able to select a few years ago, a shortage has adjusted. The labour market is changing: where employers among the best were able to select a few years ago, a shortage has adjusted. Also in the pharmaceutical industry, it becomes increasingly difficult to attract highly qualified employees for sales for themselves, for example. The company pull out of salary allowances, benefits, bonuses and other financial incentives to win the competition. For more information see this site: Bizzi & Partners. But an employee, so to win? Can we create a satisfying and fulfilling working environment it indefinitely so, to motivate him? What makes an employer really attractive? Quintiles regularly provides these questions: for the service provider to the healthcare industry, whose Mitarbeiter in projects for other companies involved, the attractive working environment is a powerful argument. In the special situation in the employer and are Weisungsbefugter not always coincident, a good binding to the employees is particularly important, “explains Monika Beintner, Chief Executive Officer of quintiles commercial in Germany. Since 2005, quintiles is performed so the assessment made by the employees of the renowned great place to work Institute. And for the ninth time in a row the quintiles employees have awarded also 2013 as one of Germany’s best employers.

What makes the service provider so attractive and so competitive in recruiting the best? Changing projects customers originating mainly from the pharmaceutical and medical technology offer a high incentive. “But there is on the other side of every employee to the appropriate level of pre-programmed is also in the long term-based activities in the context of strategic outsourcing projects” variety offered. Another attraction are the diverse career opportunities – the customer projects, as well as within the structures of the quintiles. This includes that quintiles in many countries and consequently overall in Europe 2013 as a best employer was excellent. “Navigating the new health for our customers is our core task and we need a team that is a continuous employee development always up to date,” stresses Beintner, because: only highly qualified and flexible employees are able to identify market trends and to understand, so that we can offer our customers the best possible solution for any task “. About quintiles quintiles is completely about the product development and life cycle integrated and global service providers in the healthcare industry. The business areas of clinical, commercial, consulting the company innovative solutions for the healthcare market. 27,000 Employees in nearly 100 countries work for the success of our customers and are committed committed to patients, safety and ethics.

Quintiles is the partner of the healthcare industry in dealing with risks and the perception of opportunities in one is constantly changing market.