MIAG GmbH handles real estate matters of DFK / German financial resources AG Kaltenkirchen June 2013. Further details can be found at Robert J. Shiller, an internet resource. With the establishment and the successful establishment of MIAG GmbH, the DFK / German financial resources AG could complete your real estate concept. Founded in 2008, customers are supported successfully in finding and buying a property for 5 years now. Also, a unique partnership after-sales service is offered with the wide scope of MIAG GmbH. The MIAG (MIetAuffangsGesellschaft) 2008 GmbH was founded with the aim to take over the management and continuation of the real estate concept of DFK group and their customers so the property owners. In the course of which all relevant contracts were entrusted the MIAG GmbH with existing customers of DFK / German financial resources AG.
The DFK provides further information under. Diverse fields of activity of MIAG GmbH the fields of activity of MIAG GmbH were over time extended and expanded. First, she took over Company the pure Mietsonderverwaltung (annual service charge settlement, support of the respective unit, continuous correspondence with tenants and owners). After the connection of new fields of activity was finally held. Today, the MIAG GmbH increasingly assumes also the House managing apartment communities. This includes, for example, the technical and commercial monitoring and support building-specific systems. Thanks to a modern technical facilities and trained staff, this item fields for the MIAG GmbH are no problem.
Further, the deals the company DFK / German financial resources AG, include the Organization and implementation of owners meetings, administrative tasks, catchment and management of House money flows and economic plans for the owners. Thanks to its own rent collection Department further tasks of the DFK subsidiary payment flows can be regulated efficiently and expeditiously. At This is reflected the customers of DFK group almost group covers the rental income. Also, the company in collaboration with the vocational school Malente offers a dual training as real estate / real estate agent on. Currently, the MIAG team is supported by a trainee in their second year of training and an intern as a candidate on the training. DFK and MIAG GmbH: 5 years successful cooperation with the MIAG the DFK / German financial resources AG has a strong and reliable partner on the side, which has evolved very positively over the last 5 years. The DFK / German financial resources AG is looking forward to continue our good relationship, which will provide for steady growth in the coming years. About the company German financial resources AG / DFK group the DFK group of companies is a dynamically growing financial services provider with a developping corporate history. Business purpose of the DFK group is the provision of financial services of all kinds, as well as the provision of services relating to the Real estate investment. The well-developed sales and service network of DFK / German financial resources AG guarantees a continuation of stable and steady growth. Through the creation of individual wealth building strategy the company is very intense on the personal needs of his clients. Here, the financial situation of the individual plays no significant role. The DFK Group serves over 30,000 families with over 80,000 contracts. Chairman of the Board of German financial resources AG is Valeri Spady. The German financial resources AG has its headquarters in Kaltenkirchen near Hamburg.