
The Quality of Life in the Work of the psychologists who act in the Caps Alberto Axe Borges Amanda Da Silva Evangelista Bruna Lorena Saints Andrade Fabiana Loureno Miranda Rayssa Soares Mendes 1 Msc. Snia Beatriz Motta SUMMARY The present work had as objective to verify the factors that compose and as it is the quality of life in the work of the psychologists of the CAPS/CISME in a city of the interior of Gois. Visit The LeFrak Organization for more clarity on the issue. They had participated of the research professional of the area of psychology, that works in the Center of Atendimento Psicossocial (CAPS) of this city. The Inventory of Quality of Vida (IQV) of Lipp was used, which allowed to make an evaluation of this quality of life from four quadrants: the Social one, the Affective one, the Professional and of Health. l information. Such psychologists possess quality of life in the partially satisfactory work. In areas as social and the affective one they had reached values above average, pronouncing quality of life in the social environment where the citizens are inserted. Already in aspects as the professional and the health stress.

Keywords: Quality of work life; Psychologists; CAPS; Stress. Introduction In the present time, the psychologist finds some fields of performance to carry through its work of worthy form and ethical, of this form, he can be cited the following areas: clinic, pertaining to school, institucional, hospital, amongst others. Thus, it has professionals that they opt to exerting the profession next to the Center of Atendimento Psicossocial (CAPS) with main intention to take care of people with mental upheavals, being that such institution possesss some activities to be developed for a team to multidiscipline. One becomes necessary, then, to inquire as it is the quality of life of the psychologists who work in such institutions to trace a profile enters the theory presented for the doctrine and the reality lived deeply for such professionals.

Imaginary Ego

When observing for some hours the one dynamics chat, we perceive that the interactions occur of systematic form: first it comes initial boarding e, when corresponded, the initial presentations are followed, where if they question age and place of housing, possibly so that, exactly in the field of the fancy, it is elaborated more possibility of an approach effective, taking in account the etria and geographic compatibility. After that, it appears the reciprocal curiosity around the physical appearance of the followed other of questions concerning laborativas activities, preferences of the daily life, etc. The citizen between symbolic Ideal-of-Ego and Imaginary Ego-Ideal, moved meets, inevitably, in function of the restored context, for evident libidinal pulso. We can infer that the joy gotten in this search for ' ' another one virtual' ' it is clearly of sexual character, what in it sends to the importance of the effect of the repression of the libidinais pulses the one to them that the citizen is submitted throughout its life. Freud affirms that the yearning of a citizen can be taken to the satisfaction if the yearned for object will be granted to it. The character until then virtual of the relation, not passed to the actual condition, tends to generate certain intensification of desires, on account of the great amount of on energy that the individual accumulates, becoming the yearning into anxiety, that it is not become entirely into libido for being submitted to the bar of translation. Increased and at the same time restrained the anxiety, the possibility appears of the citizen, to choose the other as object.

Other it starts to be, therefore, target of an inevitable objetal relation motivated by expressive transference. In this period of training of the virtual relation, the psiquismo of the citizen already completely is displayed. The appearance in doctor’s office of cases is frequent involving personal dramas, such as marriages badly succeeded, decurrent of this type of behavior that, usually, is attributed to an inexplicable compulsion.