That Are Y To Serve Los Meta Tags

After the creation of a web page, it is common that is needed to promote it, because we wish to have the largest possible number of visitors. Index it within each of the most popular search engines is the first step that will ensure continuous and safe visits. However, it is necessary to note the technological difference that some search engines use. Due to this diversity, recognized Meta tags or Meta Tags is required. To understand in simple words what are the Meta Tags, can be identified to them as small or short tags in HTML containing information about the site or web page. Professor Rita McGrath often says this. The author, a brief description, and keywords that identify the company or web site can be found within this content.

To understand how the Meta tags or Meta Tags are formed, must be account it is necessary to place words, names or phrases that identify the page or web site between the tags and. For even more opinions, read materials from Michael James Burke. I.e., put the first tag, then the word, and finally close with the second label. Such as if the labels serve as parentheses to enclose the information provided. Example: Don’t forget that the information provided in the quotes that follow the Word content =, you must never exceed 255 characters. This amount includes any punctuation such as commas and spaces; and the allowed amount is reduced to avoid problems in indexing in search engines. For its part, the author word means author; While that description refers to the specific characteristics indicated. Finally, it is necessary to point out that those web sites that require frames, must locate Meta Tags within the main page, because not to do so runs the risk of that search engines to locate that page as non-existent or unoccupied.

Monica Herranz Insulating

Insulating mineral wool increase sales and break the trend of the sector according to data of AFELMA (Association of Spanish manufacturers of mineral wool insulation) in 2010 turnover of insulating mineral wool (rock wool and glass wool) stood at 143 million euros, which represents an increase of 1.15% over the previous year. AFELMA estimated the volume sold of mineral wool insulation is approaching the 2.11 million cubic meters. The bases of this slight improvement found in thermal insulation, improving the sound quality and the need for protection against fire, highly valued, especially by the industry and services. In short, the versatility of the insulating mineral wool (the fulfillment of all the construction requirements with the same insulating product) is a highly valued quality, as in the rest of Europe, because that increases the profitability and satisfaction of professionals and users. The slight increase in turnover can mean, for the first time since 2007 (last year in the) that recorded growths in the residential construction sector and the market of insulating) a change of trend that should be confirmed in the coming years. In any case, the versatility of mineral wool plays a decisive role in the increase of turnover of the same, especially if we consider that in 2010 the number of completed housing experienced a fall close to 35% and the reform of buildings decreased by 14% and that the market of insulating materials as a whole fell nearly 10 %, according to various sources. AFELMA forecasts for 2011 point to a market in which new residential construction will continue in descent, conditioning, therefore recovery; in fact the housing starts in 2010 fell around 20 percent on the previous year. The revision of the DB HE1 (thermal section of the technical building code) which must be concluded this year, should be used to increase energy savings in the buildings that are constructed and is rehabilitated.

For this purpose, it is necessary to incorporate standards that we approximate proportionally to the countries of our environment (a properly insulated home consumes 50% less), which have much lower than Spain percentages of energy dependence. This is more necessary even in a few moments in which can be seen clearly that the most optimistic calculations about the oil price on which was based the previous HE1 DB (64$) have been clearly outdated. AFELMA studies for the revision of the DB HE1 placed on price of a barrel of oil around $105. The other key to the improvement of the sector is the design of a powerful plan of rehabilitation of buildings that includes low interest loans to subsidize the improvement of energy efficiency. For more information: Monica Herranz.