Los Woman Writer

It is not elegant to despise the woman writer Ignacio Ortega writer I’ve heard late article that a columnist Almeria has dedicated to Carmen de Burgos. Although late, however, I do not refuse to India because it is still important to not miss in a very lively debate surrounding the figure of Colombine, revitalizing of Spanish journalism. In my move to Brazil I’ve lost documents and books with more sentimental value than Exchange value. However, not have been able to let go of exemplary biography who wrote Carmen de Burgos de Larra, now that the literary world celebrates its bicentennial, which brings unknown and valuable data for the understanding of the life of the great Spanish writer, but also of the literary value of our countrywoman. She, fighter for the regeneration of our country tried, through art journalism, closer to the European bourgeoisie, rather than some journalist of our province has not had time to internalize as vital need to exit the irresponsible provincialism; or simply understand what was the contribution he made to the society of his time and changes arising from their actions and writings in two areas of teaching that I understand cannot be dissociated: public and private.

Ridicule to a writer of Spanish journalism contemporary as Carmen de Burgos is on par, ridicule teachers of journalism and prose writers exceptional, to name a few, as Joan Maragall, Eugenio D Ors, Julio Camba, Ruano Gonzalez or Vazquez Montalban, without forgetting some writers and journalists today as Manuel Vicent, Rosa Montero, Javier Marias, Perez-Reverte, Munoz Molina, Almudena Grandes, Candide, Raul de el PozoAntonio Burgos, Maruja Torres and Felix de Azua. Now that they infiltrate technologies media of all that virtual journalism that gives cramp, there are columnists who take refuge at the opposite end, agaritados in his column tabuco, telling their truths, in search of the reader, rather than any other truth. This racking forgets that the newspaper of every day is a catastrophe of information, an orderly disorder of today and that, against such dizzying pluralities, some readers take refuge in the shelter from the Sun in a column without knowing if they will be wounded, informed or respected in their beliefs and values. (Similarly see: Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE). And this has been the case with the article in question that has left me the sadness of as if all books and newspapers had been burned. It is not fair to forget that the literary, social and pedagogical work of Carmen de Burgos should not be object of indifference but deserves, farther from their own land, enjoy better luck who was a legitimist continuation of journalistic Mannerism, heiress of Larra. Even if it were women.

Modern Home Decor

Are you interested in learning about different types of modern facades? Here you will discover a variety of styles. Anyway you will have to take into account that there are certain factors beyond of the aesthetic aspect as tightness, heat towards the interior insulation and soundproofing that define the architecture of a home and influence on its facade. Don’t miss some of the best photos of facades of modern houses if you are planning to renovate your building or if you just want to inspire you with new designs. Learn more on the subject from Robert Speyer. So you can take ideas of all kinds to renovate your home. But not everything passes by outside, also inside matter, and this should be in harmony with its facade.

Therefore if you want a modern facade, you will have to carry a modern decoration Interior home environments. A simple tour of the Web can give us a good perspective on modern interior decoration. If you want to see more pictures of modern homes can follow the link and find the style that you like. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE brings even more insight to the discussion. Remember that it is only a matter take good ideas and adapt them to our personal space, sometimes a single detail renovated manages to grab all the attention. Finally, we also recommend to take a look at the houses of the dreams of us all. Those that we both envy, of rich and famous can also bring us good ideas and let us aware of what is customary in decoration in the world. Reason why you can not see photos and more photos of interiors of luxury houses.

The most prominent are those houses with French, English and Italian style. These buildings have period moldings and other decorative details. Arcos Interior, treatments in the ceiling and stairs are some of the reasons to envy the owners of these properties. Original author and source of the article.

Enjoy Los Mares

Cayo Levisa in the previous issue we recommend to make a stay in the archipelago of Los Colorados, in particular in the Cayo Jutias. In this number we propose visit another small Caye, Cayo Levisa it is located east of Cayo Jutias, which can be reached from Vinales, Pinar del Rio or from Havana. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out The Related Companies. In the latter case read the article a trip from Havana to Vinales by the Northern circuit, posted on this blog, where it offers a detailed description of this tour, including how to reach this cayo. Unlike Cayo Jutias, getting to Cayo Levisa is necessary to take a boat, which has a single output a day, at 5 in the afternoon. From any of the hotels, it is very easy to make the reservation until reaching the Jetty Palma Rubia. Travel to arrive by sea and landed on the Cay takes almost 1 hour. It is somewhat smaller than Cayo Jutias, but also has beautiful beaches, whose total length is just over 3 km. When you arrive you are offered a cocktail Welcome, so if you have a reservation as if their choice is unplanned from a hotel.

There are facilities where you can relax several days and enjoy the wonders of the place in the Cay. In total it has 40 air-conditioned, double cabins that have private bathroom, radio, satellite TV and telephone. The same as Cayo Jutias, here are offered different optional. Both keys are relatively close, so that the fisico-geograficas characteristics are very similar: warm, clean and very transparent waters of a very intense blue and excellent coral funds. The tours are varied. To be different vegetation in both keys the optional of a very own way of the place, enjoy while they are apparently the same. If only want to relax alone or simply let pass the time on the sand and take baths on the beach can do so.

Spanish Association

Monday, February 23, 2009 the Spanish Association of lawyers URBANISTS increased during 2008 by 67% compared to the previous year, consultations and procedures on leases and housing-related affairs. Thus has expressed it the Secretary General of the Association Mrs. Maria the Kings wheel Serrano’s after the conclusion of carried out comparative statistics for the year 2007 and 2008. An evident growth in the number of individuals who attended the Association to be advised and if necessary request a lawyer for actions related to the matter of leases and problems associated with housing occurred during the previous year. Many owners consulted because they wanted to rent its empty homes but they were afraid. They showed their misgivings since the law of urban leases law 29/1994 of 29 November does not protect them and pampers them in excess, since it forces them to agree a lifespan that stretches over time up to 5 years, as set forth in article 9 of the LAU. Post which although it agreed a lower time, contract is necessarily extended to the owner by annual instalments if asi wants the tenant.

And should the lessor communicate one month prior to the completion of the contract his desire not to extend it, since otherwise the contract will be extended by annual instalments up to 3 years more, provided that cannot unilaterally desist the tenant. M Asthton Kouzbari insists that this is the case. Still another possibility offered by law make a contract of lease of season, wherever your destination is different to the meet the permanent need for housing which establishes the art. 2 of the LAU. And can for example be a different housing, leases leasing, foreign students who come to pursue their studies of 1 year, a master, or companies that leased a House for a Manager. This type of contract, on the contrary, is not extended by deadlines, but that they have a duration determined.

Guide Reform

Many want to make a reform in the kitchen, in the bathroom, or the entire floor. But few who have clear what will be the company or professional that takes care of everything. There are many factors to consider, and often do not know what you need our reform nor ourselves. To broaden your perception, visit Elie Rieder. Is time of that addition to give you a quote, you advise thoroughly and objectively. But who? It is very common to opt to ask Council and opinion to family and friends, and even more common to receive answers from the type: those made me but not liked anything, or are a few bungling. Many times we have already done some work with a company, but we don’t want to repeat. The reasons can be various: price, quality, I try, finished arrivals at this point we must seek solutions in any way.

The yellow pages or other traditional guides are an option, but have a problem: we are going blind. Any company that pays can aprec there, whether is good or not. Open the page and see hundreds of names and phone numbers. Some ads within a square with beautiful images and slogans, but that does not indicate us quality, but rather simply that company is paying extra money to a designer for the logo and the Guide to exit prominently. This is where internet: gives us the same possibilities as the above-mentioned guides but with a great advantage: we can find ratings and opinions from former clients, along with sheets of work done with photos and explanations. The disinterested information is that we should all all. People who write about a company after performing a job, and that only we can find on the net. In this way, internet is certainly an option to consider when looking for professionals and companies for our reform.

In addition we can navigate, assess and inform us before you take the final step and choose the appropriate enterprise of reforms. An example of this is Reformam.com, a website dedicated to the island of Mallorca, where we send a form with our idea of work or reform, and they put us in contact with 3 companies in quality and to comply with our project. These companies will give us their free budgets and we can compare and choose which one it should be us. Without doubt can be a luxury that select the best companies for you, be them who get in touch with you, and give you their free budgets. And also without leaving home.

Peruvian Securities Act

9. A GENERAL LAW OF WARRANTIES REDUCE THE COST OF TRANSACTION The transaction costs include information costs so we can say that when a subject that is difficult to revise the law in transaction costs are high. Conversely when a matter is easy to review by people who want to access them, transaction costs are reduced. Therefore we can say that having met the securities covered by positive law in a standard called Peruvian Securities Act, information costs are reduced, in the same direction is necessary to group all the guarantees in a single standard to information costs in that area are reduced. 10.

ATTENDANCE OF WARRANTIES must point out that when contracts are concluded that merit the creation of a security sale as buying deadlines and leasing of vehicles, not only a security but also can provide various guarantees, ie, the fulfillment of a contract can be secured with one or more guarantees. For example, a purchase contract vehicle deadlines can be guaranteed by the Registration of vehicle ownership, with the conclusion of a contract of guarantee and the establishment of a real right of mortgage. To ensure compliance with an obligation may also be considered valid multiple mortgages on several properties. Whenever there is an installment sales contract of a vehicle can be a valid property right mortgage and Registration of Vehicle Ownership. In this sense when it comes to concurrency guarantees we can refer to three cases are: for good reason, because of the individual and combined scenarios.

European Championship

Triple two of an outstanding Torrens, Lyttle and great involvement of all put the national team ahead (34-35) at the resumption and gave way to improve them minutes of Spain, which, however, did not break the shock and continued charging of fouls. Easter and Lyttle committed his third offense. In the French box Myem and Beikes prevented the Spanish departed on the scoreboard that reflected a 46-48 in favor of Hernandez’s before the final period. Lethal blow a partial 6 – 0 to France and the fourth Lyttle staff forced the Spanish technician to ask a downtime with five down (52-48) to seven for the final. Get more background information with materials from Daniel Taub. It was the beginning of an unexpected ending. Extended then to a 12-0, with Lyttle on the Park on the verge of elimination and the French with everything from face.

France exceeded in all facets of the game to a Spain sunk physically and that until a Freekick from Palau in the 35 minute did not score in the fourth quarter. The unexplained part 22-1, with three of four triples, liquidated the red team in little more than six minutes. The last quarter ended with a 33-7. Factsheet 79. France (17 + 13 + 16 + 33): Dumerc (5), Gomis (7), Beikes (12), Gruda (17) and (4) – Quintet initial-Lawson Ndongue (6), Laborde (0), Yacoubou (10), Bonnan (0), Lepron (2), Miyem (16) and Digbeu (0). 55 Spain (15 + 12 + 21 + 7): Dominguez (2), Torrens (10), Palau (1), Lyttle (11), Montanana (11), – starting lineup – Aguilar (6), Cruz (4), Xargay (2) and Easter (8). Referees: Dolinek (CZE), Jones (WAL) and Vecerskis (LIT). Incidents: First day of the second phase of the women’s European Championship. Group f. Spodek Arena Katowice. Source of the news: Spain falls to France and the pass play to the quarterfinals of the European Championship against Latvia and Croatia

Technical Products

When the reality shows that the decision of buying a home, potential buyers take into account many more factors when choosing your future property. In this way, the greatest progress we have seen in the different real estate portals of our country have focused on better sell the home itself, through a more complete information or maybe just more showy of the property itself: downloadable drawings, memories of qualities, surfaces broken down per stay have gone from artistic perspectives perspectives 3D photorealistic when not directly to pictures of the pilots. And we are also seeing virtual flights of urbanization, virtual visits to the different types of housing throughout a very expensive deployment of means that, ultimately, never replaces the classroom itself, visit given that nobody takes a decision of this magnitude directly on-line purchase without having previously been on the ground. Source: Realtor. The value of the environment but back again to the commented misconception two paragraphs back. Real estate portals focus on information that give the home itself, neglecting fundamental aspects such as those of the environment. It is a perspective of a vision of manufacturer: who manufactures a product is often feel so proud of your own product which believes that only with highlight its multiple virtues should be enough to convince potential customers of their benefits. However, this perspective forget that people buy products or services based on profits, whether tangible or intangible, that we hope that these products or services we provide.

I.e., we do not buy the technical characteristics of the products, but by the benefits or value that these products will bring. In the case of the purchase of a home, it is important know whether it is a townhouse or an apartment, if we buy a chalet or we will comply with a floor. But it is no less important to know how they will be our neighbors, how I can move at my place of work or, if I have children in school age, among which schools I can choose to take them.

Looking For Hotel In Mendoza

The province of Mendoza has a network of hotel infrastructure in constant growth and expansion. A network that includes all styles and profiles of travelers needs. As good land of diversity, with sights to the length and breadth of its entire territory, Mendoza offers the visitor, through their accommodation, the necessary comfort for an unforgettable stay. Without a doubt, there is a hotel in Mendoza to please the wishes and needs of every visitor. San Rafael, for example, offers traditional, such as departments or central hotels accommodations, and others in tune with its spectacular natural scenery.

Thus, those who wish to spend your stay next to the dam of El Nihuil dam or Lake Valle Grande, with its varied offer of sport activities and tourism adventure, can opt to campsites, cabins or aparts. Malargue proudly wears its Crown Jewel: the valle de Las Lenas. One of the most important ski centers in the country, famous for the variety and quality of its tracks, the valle de Las Lenas attracts to athletes and fans from all over the world. Your hotel offer, in keeping with the importance of the place, love for quality, originality and luxury. Already traditional place, its hotels with names of signs of the Zodiac has deservedly what what each hotel in Mendoza sucks: satisfied visitors who return again and again. But accommodation in Las Lenas options are not exhausted at the traditional hotel in Mendoza City. This incredible province always holds a surprise. In this case, in the form of the imposing Villa Capricorn, apartment complex Canadian style located in the heart of the Valley.

With direct access to all tracks, Villa Capricorn invites to live a unique experience of luxury and comfort, that combines the privacy of an apartment with the services of best hotel category. Mendoza Capital has a selection of so broad that it is possible to find there from economic hostels to luxury hotels five star hotels. Find hotel in Mendoza Capital ideally is inclined to those located in residential neighborhoods, but few minutes from downtown, as it is the case with Executive Hotel Park Suites. This luxurious four stars, located so close to the bustling activity of the Centre as the rugged beauty of parque San Martin, ranks every day as one of the main references in Mendoza City luxury accommodation. Original author and source of the article.

Labour Inspectorates

Labour inspections have ceased to be a mere process of on-site verification of the fulfilment of the payment of salaries and benefits socaires for directional its objective verification of the facts (to the way in which benefits of workers are executed). Trend: Discusses relevant issues in terms of provenance or no employment contracts, denaturation of brokering and outsourcing, and the application of the principle of primacy of the reality in the case of contracts for services locution.In addition to verification of compliance with rules on safety and health at work. Frequent problems lack of information of how it develops an inspection, how should the employer act without that this becomes an obstruction.Example the non-attendance of the employer to a subpoena for a subpoena.Obstruction to the task of inspection when the employer does not leave to declare a worker. That must make the employer?A labour inspection must always be reported, except in certain cases justifying them, not be true as it may affect the process of the inspection itself. Verification can be done in the workplace, on the premises of the Ministry of labour. The employer in summary, should allow the entrance of the inspector (previously identified as such) and provide the information that is required. That verified?They are three aspects that are verified 1.-hiring hm2.-payment of salaries and benefits socialesLa electronic worksheet is the primary source of information on the level of compliance with labour and social standards and tributarias.3.-formal obligations (example: health and safety standards).

If found missing in employer, are you hara a requirement (deadline that remedying these breaches). Failure to comply with this procedure will initiate the sanctioning procedure that can end in administrative fine more requirement that comply with infraccionadas standards. And your company successfully passed an inspection?Who knows the three designated labour aspects should let us be prepared but.Frequently is that the reason for the infraciciones is not always because the employer does not want to comply with the laws, in many cases situations such as: 1.-how to interpret the Easier2.-ignorance of the way calculo3.-a bad labour consultancy. The audit laboralUsted must be prepared, an x-ray of how are things you would help. For that there are labor audits, which are designed to correct the omissions and/or misinterpretations of the provisions at stake.