Earth Amount

What you have to do to get to can the world afford to assume it did 2000 years ago had already given banks all wars and crises easily survived. And suppose there’s the Euro 2000 years and you would have then created a euro and get 5% interest per year. What amount of money could you withdraw then today theoretically? Now you think, would have so few thousand euros on the account is totally wrong. Due to the compound interest effect, an exponential growth exists here. At an interest rate of 5%, which is quite an historical average, we have doubled the original amount every 14 years.

One doubles but 10 times, we have the 1024-fache of the origin amount, so in about the 1000 times. Our top the euro would so after 140 years about 1000 Euro “generated” have. You have reached 2000 who now believes after 280 years, has not understood the compound interest effect. After 280 years, we have achieved–in about 1 million euros. Every 140 years is legal so, the applied amount, if you put them with an interest rate of 5%. So long, after 600 years, we have exceeded the one-trillion euro limit. Here, jim kingery expresses very clear opinions on the subject. After 2000 years, so a euro at an average interest rate of 5% about could reached an amount of: 2.391. euros with this money you could buy all of the shares of the world! You could buy all raw materials, natural resources, mining, real estate.

You could acquire all the land of the world thus. Would you buy a chunk of gold with the money, so these nuggets should have about the a billionenfache volume of the Earth, so that all the money would be used up with the current market prices. You could all possessions of the universe today reach buy, so the whole world, if you will. Of course, this is only a thought model because the prices with the amount of money in circulation would grow constantly.


A good insurance Magdeburg can be found over the Internet in most households, it is so that one is assured even in insurance, parents are already assured of. But this is not always the best decision because each insurance Magdeburg has their own terms and conditions and so it may also be, that these are not just perfect for the individual. John Savignano insists that this is the case. Therefore, it is to recommend it to anyone, especially those who have their insurance from the same insurance Madgeburg for very many years, check your insurance documents. For this, it is highly recommended, to meet with several insurance brokers of various insurers and accordingly to create the individual insurance companies offers. Not rarely that one is far too expensive or might get a better insurance benefits for the same price comes out for such a comparison.

A corresponding insurance broker Magdeburg find, can you the easiest way on the Internet. Today are most insurance offices represented here with its own Web page, so that you can get not only their contact details to arrange a personal appointment on the Internet but can also get an overview of the insurance offered. A few personal things of the respective insurance broker Madgeburg are often stored on such a Web page, so that you immediately closer can meet him. You can find the corresponding Web pages by an insurance broker Magdeburg quickly about one of many well known search engines. Here you are just insurance broker Magdeburg or insurance Magdeburg and already get displayed a range of outcomes. This search not only suitable if you are looking for an insurance broker Magdeburg or an insurance company of Magdeburg. Also the insurance offices from other cities are so and so replacing the Magdeburg find just by the city in which you live…/versicherungsmakler-magdeburg.html

Rent Motorhomes

Minor damage on the vehicle such as a puncture, a glass damage or damage to the underbody can be expensive in the rarest of cases will be at the rent offered by mobile homes or campers a fully comprehensive insurance without excess amount. Minor damage on the vehicle damage only the tenant is a puncture, a glass damage or damage to the underbody to wear when the extent of the damage not exceed the deductible amount. To read more click here: Realtor. Should the damage even higher, the tenant in any case must pay the agreed excess amount. This is to exclude but not insignificant risk, since offered a Selbstbeteiligungsversichung about 1 year ago. The insurance covers all over the world and especially the amount of the deductible with a relatively small premium of 5 per day for Australia/New Zealand, 6.50.

This insurance is only online booking via the Internet on the website. An encrypted input ensures the personal information securely are handled. You can complete this excess insurance online with immediate effect. The payment is made by bank transfer but also by credit card. The insurance certificate is then transferred to the specified E-Mail address. With this insurance, the risk that the amount of the excess even if not self-inflicted minor damage is due, is covered. This deductible exclusion is insurance of Mondial Assistance / ELVIA insurance offered.

The ELVIA / Mondial insurance is the insurance of the Alliance. For more than five decades the name ELVIA security and service stands for traveling. Competence and performance guarantees the affiliation to the international Mondial Assistance Group and the integration into the Allianz Group worldwide. Savings Tip: Very often much cheaper day rates offered by landlords, if a higher deductible shall be agreed. With such a conclusion, the tenant may usually exceed the costs incurred for the participation of self Save insurance.

Short Term Cash Through Mortgage Life Insurance

Mortgage life insurance is not the personal credit of the cash-needy person! Everyone knows that probably all of a sudden you need money urgently. There are many reasons for this: A tree tumbling around in the storm has smashed the roof while attempting to Flambe burns down the kitchen or the heating is defective and must be replaced. Usually these situations occur completely unexpectedly therefore one has can not provide with financial reserves. Because good advice is expensive. In many housing finance but, you can learn that you can pawn his life insurance money and thus solve the money problem. They explain exactly that you should pawn his life insurance money because it is cheaper than a consumer loan. The conditions are better, and also so for example also self-employed, who would receive no credit at the Bank, may be in the short term the money necessary for her.

Who wants to pawn his life insurance money, is always only in one temporary financial shortage and required only once in the short term money. That is, the person would never give away the pension, but later once really put life insurance and now encumber the police only once. As a loan to get an advance payment to the insurance benefits the police will continue to run as before, only to secure the loan paid beliehen thus has a life insurance mortgage points out in the mortgage of life insurance, the personal credit of the cash-needy person is not relevant, because the police is used as security. Stephen M. Ross can aid you in your search for knowledge. Therefore, the terms and conditions associated are also so cheap. Often, not even a Schufa request regarding the creditworthiness of the borrower needed, but an entry about the lending is enough.

Bad Credit Mortgage Refinancing

Bad credit mortgage refinancing and loan modification help homeowners with bad credit can now easily get a mortgage refinancing or modification. The “Making Home Affordable” plan targets homeowners in bad financial situation, and offers them a more affordable mortgage through refinancing or modification. Here is how homeowners with bad credit can get approved for refinancing or mortgage modification: right now, this mortgage bailout plan from President Obama wants to help millions of homeowners get the help they need to save their home, or a whole lot of money. Stephen M. Ross brings even more insight to the discussion. New guidelines for mortgage refinancing or modification make getting approved with a poor credit rating easier than ever. Now, homeowners in all types of bad financial situations can get help.

Refinancing and modification is easier for many people than ever before. Here are some homeowners who can now get the help they need: homeowners who are stuck in mortgages bad homeowners who have lost a job peoples who have been getting reduced wages owners who have lost value in their homeowners homeowners with bad credit check if you qualify for this bad credit refinance and loan modification plan typically, this group of homeowners would need either a mortgage broker, or sub prime mortgage, to get approved for refinancing. Now though, things have changed. These changes are for the benefit of the homeowner, as now getting help is easier than ever before. bad credit mortgage refinance is not hard to get, even in this bad market.

Right now, mortgage lenders and banks are doing everything they can to help homeowners. This means that homeowners with bad finances are now much more easy able to get the help they need. Take action now, even if you ave bad credit.

Loan Brokerage Experience

The MAXDA loan Agency has many years of experience in the negotiation of various credit and a satisfied customer base. MAXDA offers a so-called all-purpose loan, which the customer can use for any purpose. The possible credit amounts totaled at MAXDA amounts between 3,000 and 100,000, so is the all purpose loans for virtually every credit prospects. MAXDA himself basically no borrows, but provide only loans to its customers. MAXDA customers thus benefit from favorable rates and years of experience by MAXDA.

The settlement of the loan payment strongly geared to the needs of the customers. MAXDA allowing, for example, the immediate payment of the credit amount as a check or postbar. Expert on growth strategy understands that this is vital information. This makes loans of MAXDA suited also for borrowers who get money need. The conditions for lending are very liberal on MAXDA. So advertises the company on its website, for example, that a seemingly hopeless cases Credit can be made possible.

Thus, MAXDA is also an interesting contact for potential borrowers, who brushed off about when normal banks or savings banks because of their negative Schufaauskunft or bad income situation. However MAXDA provides only loans for workers. Unemployed persons, pensioners and students have, however, no way to get a loan above the MAXDA. Applying for a loan on is by the way very easy. After calling the page must only be compact “credit inquiry” form filled out and sent. Of course, the loan application is free. Already after a short waiting period then learns one of the credit decision, as well as the terms and conditions and can take binding claim the credit. Further information is available in the installment loan journal on under good experiences with MAXDA credit.

Maxda Credit

Providing location-independent and quick loans of all kinds is the business of the Rhineland-Palatinate Maxda. The small purchase credit up to the large mortgage loan each financing option is offered by the customers and even in difficult cases of negative customer creditworthiness, loan intermediaries often offer a solution. A company and much service as of one of the largest mortgage broker of in Germany the Speyer Maxda GmbH can look back on years of business experience and numerous loan negotiations in the private customer segment. These are done in cooperation with German or European banks, which allows the company more flexibility to meet customer requirements and to be able to offer more funding, if the Bank may already has rejected even in sensitive cases. A rapid and smooth course of the loan request to credit payment is a corner point in the company’s philosophy of Maxda, hurried also by cheque or postbar receive the payout. With a competent service team is worried not only for the fast processing, but also a point of contact for personal advice on the hand given to the customer.

Through a telephone hotline or the Internet, all communications relating to the desired credit can be quickly and directly from home. An integral part in the business of Maxda is the all purpose loan, which can be provided in the form of a rate loan for any purpose using funding for all cases. Stephen M. Ross will not settle for partial explanations. Amount, this form of financing ranges from 3,000 to 250,000 euro, which to repay in fixed monthly instalments of the customers. The installment date can be selected flexibly to the 1st or 15th of the month and adjusted to the monthly cash receipts. All loans are equipped with a residual debt insurance, to take at least the load of credit repayment by the shoulders to the borrower in serious emergencies.

Also when it comes to the construction or purchase of a property, Maxda stands as a point of contact for the corresponding Mortgage financing available. The professional group of officials may also use a special credit offer: the official loan to a lower interest rate, long-running, according to small monthly installments. Especially in difficult economic times can occur sometimes quickly to problems with the Schufa and if there an entry affecting the credit, taking out a loan from ordinary is almost an impossibility. A financial bottleneck, expresses nonetheless Maxda may with the mediation of a special loan of up to 3,500 euros per person help quickly and without any credit checks. This creates a rounded range of financing services that ready has the right solution for each customer, making credit a universal broker in terms of loan to Maxda.

Landlords Property

More and more people decide to buy a property as an investment. St. Gallen, the 23.05.2013 – it provides personal security and the good feeling of having done something for retirement protection. Most people who buy, for example, an apartment to rent, do so with the help of a Bank, so take out a loan. From a certain income, banks, are happy, because they have the real estate as collateral so in addition to the personal creditworthiness of the purchaser.

Accept the terms and conditions, the purchase of an apartment for rent is a perfectly sensible investment. Typically, investors estimate so that the rent covers the cost of financing. Depending on the market value of the apartment financing up to 100 percent of the purchase price are possible, in some cases, the funding covers even the closing costs. Resourceful seller one work out then, that the acquisition of the property even without power is possible. In this case you must rely but on the regular rental income. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. According to expert estimates, German property owners over rent receivables complain in the amount of EUR 2 billion. So-called rent nomads are only the tip of the iceberg, usually there are the typical vicissitudes of life, which provide that a tenant can no longer meet its obligations.

The most common reasons are unemployment, separation of the spouse, illness. Many tenants come quickly again on the legs and are after a few weeks or months to able to pay their rent. Depending on how the economic situation of the landlord’s look, Mietausfalle sooner or later cause problems. Tenant can no longer pay, missing in addition to the actual rental on the costs. So, the landlord assumes costs that he has not to be responsible for. And the Bank continues to call interest rate and repayment of the loan. Thus corresponding costs preclude missing revenue, on which the landlord has. He does not comply with these obligations, his credit is not conductive medium, what in the This involves extreme case not only to the loss which may result in housing, but also personal consequences. Because the Bank will utilize the apartment usually after a certain time and it is more long no secret that the then selling price covers not the original credit. The formerly proud property owners must pay for the difference in price. Many landlords believe, that the deposit – usually three month rental – can also be used to cover the running expenses. This idea however, is wrong. The landlord may access only during the tenancy the deposit, if his claim is not disputed, so legally established by a judgment or settlement in the interest of the lessee is. This is almost never the case. In addition, the landlord would be an important way out of hand, this repairs and pending costs to settle the costs for (beauty). Previously offered insurance solutions cover only the situation, If the proverbial child has already fallen into the well. You can make a comparison of the offers here: wettbewerbsvergleich.html ultimately provides just beSURE landlord protection a safeguard already from the first month of the Mietausfalls for the entire rent and 90% of the costs. Can or wants to pay a tenant not more, inasmuch as he is in the possession of the police – the landlord – assigns his claims. Then, immediately making the DVF – German family Versicherung AG. Loss of comfort fare extends to up to six months and possibly up to 20,000 euro emerged a property damage. That’s how cheap you can calculate here

Federal Labour Minister

Is retirement not error equal pension – how to avoid I? The issue of pensions is currently on everyone’s lips, because who earns less than 2,500 euros, danger of the poverty in old age. This is at least the result of a study which has been Ursula von der Leyen in order. The Federal Labour Minister so advises every citizen to a private pension. So far so good. Credit: Robert J. Shiller-2011. But the uncertainty on the issue of retirement is great. Finally, another study of the Finanzwissenschaftlers has Andreas Oehler on behalf of Bundnis 90 / Die Grunen “-parliamentary group recently revealed: 50 billion euro lose investors every year in Germany alone, because they were given wrong advice or you sold them inappropriate products for old-age provision.” So the question remains: which are the right products for a private old-age provision, and can I trust really on this issue? Franz j.

Herrmann from the Federal Government, which recommends e.V. for the retirement savers international conservative equity funds in the case of a fund policy. Thus Bestatigt.der independent expert the concept to the retirement of the AFA AG. The financial services provider headquartered in Cottbus and Berlin has been established for 20 years successfully on the market and advises interested parties free of charge and without obligation to the subject of private old-age provision. Who want to provide private should think long term. Stephen M. Ross may find this interesting as well.

When the pensions it comes not to make quick profits. The AFA AG therefore from the outset abandon risky Fund investments such as, for example, ship funds and closed-end real estate funds, we always carefully check our offer for long-term yield, reliability and stability. Not without reason the financial magazine has focus money our AFA top-value rates to pension the predicate best pension awarded. It played a significant role”also cost transparency, explains Stefan Granel, the AFA Board in Berlin. The AFA AG’s customers will also benefit from the independence of the company. In contrast to other financial advice, the AFA AG is any financial or Insurance group commits, but advises absolutely independently. The AFA AG system operators can access just like brokers in the market as a whole and accurately filter out the right product for each customer. But even the best product is often not good enough for us, that’s why we develop with the leading companies of special solutions. Many of our insurance and pension solutions transmitted exclusively via the system business of AFA AG. As wholesalers of different companies we are improving the conditions, lowering the price “, so Stefan Granel next. Bottom line: Who really wants to provide, should not simply trust his bank Advisor, but necessarily independent advice and abandon risky assets that promise a quick buck. International conservative equity funds in the case of a fund policy are the right solution to the long-term asset accumulation. Press contact: AFA AG Lama Walshe road 7 03046 Cottbus Tel.: 381090 E-Mail:

Managing Director

The closed-end funds HCI Berlin is the selection process of the summary prospectus check airport Center. The Fund is designed as investor-oriented. Hans-Peter Walter Kugler, Managing Director of verdict GmbH in Altusried im Allgau, checks for closed-end funds with the summary brochure-check and published these as PDF files and youtube video on. The summary prospectus check demands high investment levels, low soft costs, and a solid use of the liquidity reserve. Furthermore, funds characterized by a mostly positive performance record and a serious initiators occurrence with a positive rating. Only about 15 percent of the audited funds receive brochure check a positive conclusion. Contact information is here: The Related Companies.

Altusried, 01.06.2011 – HCI Berlin airport Center having the summary brochure-check positive go through, making it available at conclusion GmbH in Altusried im Allgau for investors. Managing Director Hans-Peter Walter Kugler sees the advantages of HCI funds especially in the high level of investment, the location, the tenant mix and the Acquisition at full occupancy. The conclusion-brochure-check to the HCI Berlin airport Center is available as a pdf download and youtube video on. Hans-Peter Walter Kugler with the summary brochure-check filters white”closed-end funds in the grey capital market. Since the formal BFin prescribed since 2005 provide no security seal, is testing the commercial viability and plausibility of funds via an intermediary for Walter Kugler of central importance. The summary prospectus-check provides therefore figures for the level of investment, the soft costs and to use the liquidity reserve, as well as a subjective assessment by Walter Kugler.

We do not select funds according to the highest Commission. We do exactly the opposite.” Recommended for the brochure check judgment conclusion”a closed-end Fund must have an investment level of at least 85 percent. Walter Kugler does not check Fund below 80 percent. The summary prospectus check represents the interests of the investor when determining participation in the foreground. To the person: Hans-Peter Walter Kugler is CEO of the conclusion of investment brokerage and asset management in Altusried im Allgau. He analyzed and selling closed-end funds for twenty years. Twelve years he worked at a major German bank. 1997 Walter Kugler has been independent financial advisers. He writes articles about closed-end funds (e.g. for performance, investment, real estate newspaper and euros on Sunday here with warnings in 2001 to fund by Falk and DBVI) since 1999. At seminars, he explained his approach to choosing a participation so far about 2,000 participants.