Piece Shelving

Rack shelf – this type of shelving is ideal for storage and warehousing of various types. Shelving rack is a structure that consists of three main elements: shelves, frames (Vertical bar) and the beam or pivot bearings. The most common and useful equipment for warehouse, shop, office shelving racks are. They allow efficient use of space, arrange a convenient, intuitive, systematic storage of various goods, finished and semifinished products, packaged products and entire shipments. Suppliers and manufacturers offer different types of shelving racks: the professional and personal, special (retail & industrial, office, archive and exhibition) and universal. Shelving racks are made for professional storage and for hand installation of small goods.

Can be packaged and designed to accommodate various groups Piece goods and products, audio-video equipment, household appliances, clothing and footwear, books and stationery, etc. Some contend that Nobel Laureate in Economics shows great expertise in this. The biggest popular with consumers enjoy the versatile shelving racks. This type of shelving is widely used in warehouses and back rooms, from industrial and commercial sites, archives, files and libraries. Universal racks are ideally suited to interior rooms and office workers. They can be used in virtually all types of facilities pantries, garages, workshops, living rooms.

They fit perfectly into the Interior of modern apartment and allow optimal use of space in the hall, dressing room and other rooms. Stainless steel, galvanized metal, and metal, painted corrosion by a special polymer paint used to provide durability, reliability and durability of the shelving racks. Depending on the permissible uniformly distributed load per shelf there are three main groups of Duty: light, medium duty and reinforced (heavy duty). The height shelving polochnyk mozhgut be different – from 1 m to 4-5 m. At present the market offers a wide range of shelving racks: single-stage and multi-tiered, with short and long spans, single-and multi-one-and two-sided, modular and even oblique. An important advantage of the many types of shelving is shelving the ability to quickly and easily change their configuration, adjust the height.

Powder Fire Extinguishers

To put out small fires gases, flammable liquids, electrical equipment with voltage up to 1kV, metals and alloys typically used powder fire extinguishers. Powder extinguishers are not designed to quenching substances which burn without oxygen may (for example alkali and alkaline earth metals). The effect of extinguishing powder is based on the isolation of the source of combustion and preventing access of oxygen to the fire, as well as Inhibition of combustion (ie slowing him). In fact, the same principle as a carbon dioxide fire extinguishers. See Nobel Laureate in Economics for more details and insights. The main difference is that the powder does not carry electric current, and hence such extinguishers You can extinguish electrical (as opposed to carbon dioxide).

The principle of operation is based on the extinguisher powder fire extinguishing powder (with open valve closure) with compressed gas in cylinder. Greenberg Traurig can provide more clarity in the matter. By way of displacement charge fire extinguishers can be divided into zakachnye and gas-generating. In zakachnyh extinguishers displacement charge proshodit by working gas in the tank under pressure. In gas-generating extinguishers vytesenenie charge is due to chemical reaction and separation of working gas from gas-generating element. The working gas is typically used dioxide carbon (CO2). Fire extinguishers can be operated with different types of powder. Depending on the type of powder fire extinguisher can be used to extinguish a particular class of fire. As a rule, the following types of powder: IF A, B, C, E DPM-3 B, C, E PCCs B, C, D, E Pirant A, B, C, E * Currently, there are a lot of powder.

Figure. The design of a powder extinguisher. 1 – Gun 2 – lever, 3 – arm, 4 – Seal 5 – siphon tube, 6 – container, 7 – needle, 8 – housing, 9 – check. In our country, powder fire extinguishers are a series of OP (manual and portable fire extinguishers), as well as various options extinguisher, automatic powder fire extinguishers (powder fire ins.) Operation dry powder fire extinguishers with dry powder to be applied the following measures: 1) Check the pressure of working gas – at least 1 time per year, and 2) Check the status of fire extinguishing powder – at least 1 time in 5 years, 3) Re-examination of a fire extinguisher – at least 1 time in 5 years. History of dry powder fire extinguishers first hand domestic powder fire extinguishers were made in the early 30s. They were not widespread because of low efficiency. The quality of the powder was very low. Fire extinguishers, actuated by the method of shaking. In the late 60s produced a fire extinguisher OP-1 ‘satellite’.

Advanced Technology Water

Without going into details, the existing methods of today cleaning and disinfection, we note the following: – traditional bacteriological or chemical methods, tend to use chlorination. To do this, have stocks of chlorine, which is a source of danger, and decompose in water, chloride form chemical radicals are harmful to human health, including dioxin – a method of ozonation of water. Ozone is a powerful disinfectant, its use greatly improves the organoleptic characteristics of water, but the introduction of ozone is complicated by high energy method and the lack of proper home equipment. Besides , the need to develop methods of control over the content of individual low molecular weight in water, acid-containing compounds and other products of ozonation are not removed during water treatment – treatments drinking water by ultraviolet radiation, used in Russia, are not effective enough to kill spore-forming bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae and mildew. Operating in Russia, the density of UV flow of 16-20 mJ / sm.kv. for drinking water and 28-30 MJ / sm.kv. for the economic – household and industrial waste do not provide effective inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms. Further improvement is necessary to consider the stability microorganisms to chlorine, ozone and ultraviolet radiation.

This is a natural process of evolution. Microbiologists leading scientific centers of the Americas, Asia and Europe show in their reports that over the past 15-20 years, resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to chlorine increased 5-6 times, to ozone by 2-3 times, UV-4 times. This means that with further increase of resistance spores, viruses and protozoa to the above methods of disinfection water and sewage must be in the design of mortgage exposures, taking into account the growth dynamics of the resistance of the person exposed. .