Visual Studio

Silverlight having a positive effect on ASP.NET rich interactive applications in .NET have received at impetus from silverlight which has been introduced by Microsoft as a cross-browser, cross platform implementation of .NET framework. It is capable of running on almost all majorly used browsers and the plug – in required is therefore of a smaller size, thus sparing US the time that would have gone into downloading and installing it on a machine. Silverlight has come up as a result of a combination of various technologies into one single package. Thus one can easily integrate silverlight seamlessly with the existing JavScript and ASP.NET AJAX code to enhance the functionality that had been created earlier. Silverlight has been widely acclaimed and is becoming more popular in the .NET of community due to its features which are quite promising for .NET developers.

Silverlight gives you the freedom to create immersive graphics, animation, and other rich client features. Java script which forms the universal scripting language can be supplied with extensions with the use of Silverlight. To broaden your perception, visit Michael James Burke. While working on Silverlight you don’t have to worry about the platform on which it will be used and the browser on which the application will be run it is compatible with almost all browser. It can integrate seamlessly with your existing applications to complement their functionality thus you can upgrade with Silverlight at any point of time. Silverlight applications can be created using dynamic languages such as IronPython as well as languages such as c# and Visual Basic. Development tools like Visual Studio and expression blend can be used to create quick silverlight applications and customize them for the need to use. This is quite on the interesting aspect of Silverlight as it can be easily synched with the help of a language or a development tool. At increase in speed has been reported for AJAX enabled Web sites that have been shifted to Silverlight.

It has become the most inexpensive way to stream video files on the internet with the best quality parameter. It has a built-in – CLR engine that delivers a super high performance execution environment for the browser. Silverlight uses the same core CLR engine that is shipped with the full .NET Framework. For more details on code protection technology, .net Obfuscator, code security .net and .net code security feel free to visit US at author writes regularly about code protection and .net of obfuscator. To know more about .net code security, .

Ship Simulator

Freudenberg IT brings the MTC marine training center Hamburg GmbH, operator of one of the most modern navigation simulators for maritime education and training MTC Hamburg with infrastructure consulting on great ride Weinheim/Hamburg, December 8, 2008, relies on the infrastructure consulting of Freudenberg IT (FIT). The full service IT provider provides the entire infrastructure of the server management via the connection of various networks (LAN, WAN, VPN, mobile) and the complete IT asset management up to the first place client-service available. Within the framework of the new building, one of the world’s largest training centers for captains, sailors and marine engineers in place, Germany (Hamburg) has software distribution up to mobile access via UMTS constructed Freudenberg IT for the MTC Hamburg organized the complete cabling as well as the entire infrastructure of domain controllers, mail, file and proxy databases (universal mobile telecommunications system) and WLAN (wireless local area network). In addition complete server management of full services IT makes available to the IT asset management. The company will give a highly available standardized IT system landscape and can the entire software and their associated licenses continuously optimize the procurement and management of all hardware and all peripheral devices as well as reduce costs. A local PC-client-service completes the full-service infrastructure consulting at the MTC in Hamburg.

Within the framework of Freudenberg IT supports the training centre at the figure and administration of the entire installation and operations of the client environment, including mobile devices and laptops. These include, for example, the regular, automated adjustment and distribution of software packages, as well as the timely supply of all clients with signatures for virus protection. The on-site service managed moves of individual users also, performs hardware repairs and is the technical interface for a variety of hardware suppliers. Centerpiece of the Center is a State of the art Schiffsfuhrungs – machine simulator for practical training be and which can represent different sea areas and ports.

Seamless Rail Transport For Europe

HCon at transport logistic 2009 in Munich Hanover, Munich; 03 April, 2009 the HCon INGENIEURGESELLSCHAFT mbH is this year as a partner of LogisticNetwork consultants (LNC) from Hanover on the transport logistic represented in Munich. On Europe’s largest logistics exhibition from 12th to 15th May 2009, HCon is the timetable construction system TPS (train planning system) and present the recent projects from the transportation consulting. With TPS, HCon has launched an innovative schedule construction system on the market that has unique abilities. With the help of the software TPS schedules can be created, reviewed and evaluated this, taking into account the special requirements of the manual in Europe. A special feature is for example the rolling planning. Regardless of schedules are planned only for a period is TPS capable of planning also periods across.

This speeds up the planning process and the planning effort reduces time and costs are reduced significantly. The Fair is an excellent platform, to intensify the exchanges with our customers, prospects and partners”, says Werner Sommerfeld, Managing Director at HCon. “Because only in this way we can guarantee that our technical solutions and services are always up-to-date.” This platform uses mainly the consulting range of HCon. As coordinator of EU projects the team has establish already themselves as a fixture. You may find that James Kingery can contribute to your knowledge. In the context of this exhibition, HCon shows the successful implementation of the EU research project CREAM in collaboration with its partner, KombiConsult. The aim of the project is to connect it the transport on the corridor Benelux Turkey/Greece and to make competitive rail freight by new concepts and improved processes. We use the extensive practical experience of all project partners and the extensive know-how of our consultants in such projects”, so Lars Deiterding, project coordinator at HCon. Result in the transfer of proven solutions, combined with innovative new developments to significant optimizations and interesting customer-oriented transport solutions. We are pleased, in detail at the transport logistic to present these results.

XML Video

Pictures via onOffice smart real estate software onOffice smart with new interface video clip producer World Clip Experience. The use of cross-media content for the real estate brokerage of real estate prospects is increasingly required. Along with good images and optimized floor plans also moving images increase interest in a property. But how can this marketing channel to be pragmatically used with respect to an appropriate cost-benefit ratio? While video footage by a professional camera crew are usually very time consuming and costly and justify it usually only for very high-priced real estate, pictures from digital photographs here represent a real alternative. With this new technology individual photos using a special technique are zoomed down and moves in”, so that the impression of a real video.

If the video clip is combined with text overlays and set to music with background music and a professional speaker, the clip can clearly improve the attractiveness of real estate. Thus the hurdle to get started with this new technology as low as possible, the onOffice Software GmbH cooperates with the World Clip Experience video clip manufacturer. Together, the two experts around the theme of real estate brokerage have set up an interface for the easy transmission of real estate data. With one click, customers of real estate can software provider onOffice Software GmbH images from the desired object record via XML interface to World Clip Experience transfer and get after a short processing time the finished clip file and link back. To be convinced by the simplicity of the new system, offers onOffice to give its customers which represent opportunity, free three properties in a professional VideoClip in cooperation with World Clip Experience. How it works is explained step by step in a tutorial at. Enhance your website with multimedia content, as well as your ad real estate portals.

Cross-media Real Estate Brokerage

Pictures via onOffice smart real estate software onOffice smart with new interface video clip producer World Clip Experience. The use of cross-media content for the real estate brokerage of real estate prospects is increasingly required. Along with good images and optimized floor plans also moving images increase interest in a property. But how can this marketing channel to be pragmatically used with respect to an appropriate cost-benefit ratio? While video footage by a professional camera crew are usually very time consuming and costly and justify it usually only for very high-priced real estate, pictures from digital photographs here represent a real alternative. Kenneth R. Feinberg is the source for more interesting facts. With this new technology individual photos using a special technique are zoomed down and moves in”, so that the impression of a real video.

If the video clip is combined with text overlays and set to music with background music and a professional speaker, the clip can clearly improve the attractiveness of real estate. Thus the hurdle to get started with this new technology as low as possible, the onOffice Software GmbH cooperates with the World Clip Experience video clip manufacturer. Together, the two experts around the theme of real estate brokerage have set up an interface for the easy transmission of real estate data. With one click, customers of real estate can software provider onOffice Software GmbH images from the desired object record via XML interface to World Clip Experience transfer and get after a short processing time the finished clip file and link back. To be convinced by the simplicity of the new system, offers onOffice to give its customers which represent opportunity, free three properties in a professional VideoClip in cooperation with World Clip Experience. How it works is explained step by step in a tutorial at. Enhance your website with multimedia content, as well as your ad real estate portals.


The members offer a wide range of innovative solutions that have been tested for compatibility with Avaya products. If you would like to know more about Greenberg Traurig, then click here. These include applications for natural speech recognition, mobile services, emergency services, specialised integration and reporting tools for computer telephony, as well as applications that are tailored to specific vertical markets. With the DevConnect Program Avaya the company notes, a wide range of technical training available, provides access and support for many Avaya platforms and interfaces – for registered members often free of charge. Technology partners can take advantage of additional benefits in the form of jointly conducted compatibility testing and co-marketing support on basis of their alignment with the strategy pursued by Avaya. DevConnect technology partners such as YouCon are obliged to comply with the strict criteria for customer satisfaction, product support services, business processes, marketing and sales.

“YouCon technology partners help Avaya, that our customers can benefit more from their telecommunications infrastructure,” reported Eric Rossman, Vice President, developer relations at Avaya. “Solutions provide the flexibility that they need in today’s globalised business world customers as the cube of the YouCon.” See devconnect membership information. An overview of which in the framework of the DevConnect program developed and tested solutions under of the IT service provider with headquarters in Vienna and Munich focuses its solutions on the interaction between humans and technology. This applies to the integration of VoIP software into existing and new infrastructures as well as for process optimization and the creation of customized software solutions. As a successful product is the in-house “Myrmex” in both internally as well as in the supporting outsourcing usage. The wide range of means full product solutions from a single source for individual tasks. Since 2007 the company service partner of SAP. Due to the proven cooperation, SAP for YouCon has a sales and integration partner opted for the all-IP solution SAP business communications management.

mexco 2013: ECommerce

Speed4Trade encourages fashion & lifestyle provider to use far-reaching market places as an additional sales channel. New browser interface middleware emMida facilitates the entry. Altenstadt, 20.08.2013: September 18/19 the this year’s dmexco takes place in Cologne, Germany. The eCommerce area is traditionally strongly represented at the trade fair for digital marketing. Reason enough for the eCommerce specialists Speed4Trade to introduce Vizup publishing in Hall 6.1, booth A 063 solutions for efficient multi-channel business together with his partner, shop system. At the booth of Speed4Trade and Vizup publishing, visitors encounter concentrated expert knowledge. This online dealer practical insights and tips in the successful implementation of strategies from multi-channel.

The highly flexible middleware emMida intelligently integrates modern shop systems and marketplaces centrally with the enterprise software of the mail order company in the backend. Ambitious online retailer to get a base for simple and automated integration of the Amazon, sales channels eBay, Rakuten & co. in their existing business processes. Wolfgang Vogl, head of business development at Speed4Trade: marketplaces offer enormous sales potential high customer frequency. For example the assortments of fashion & lifestyle with the most successful categories include on the platforms. eBay as an example a serious channel for commercial dealers of all sizes from the ambitious beginner today is up to the established brands.

The online marketplace offers a very attractive trading environment also for renowned fashion and lifestyle label. The “flea market”character is long past. High-quality, brand-oriented offer presentations in appealing design are possible. We implement appropriate professional templates in accordance with CI for the dealer. These sales channels can with the help of emMida, which depicts including complex product variants with many attributes, very successful and process cost-optimized open up.” Relatively new, the 4 likely customers and partner for Speed4Trade. Product generation be WEB emMida. The new browser version of the eCommerce Middleware enables online retailers in the future even more speed, flexibility and comfort for sale across all channels. Depending on the desired usage scenario and the infrastructure at the dealer model, the Web client as a classic in-house or through a hosting can be operated. Those interested in the booth will be rewarded and others special dmexco with a Speed4Trade which foresees 30% discount on the emMida setup packages when ordering until October 15, 2013.