Russian Builders

Consider, for example, the situation in St. Petersburg. Among the objects of which construction had to "freeze" due to budget cuts city officials, there are several nurseries in different parts of the city and two infectious disease hospitals. At the same time entering a football stadium for the "Zenith", which agreed on the financing of municipal government and "Gazprom" has remained unchanged – in 2010. Sadly, the spectacle for us to still remain in first place … VK: Does the federal level, dedicated support of the construction industry due to the crisis? EK: I think that the government should use two main mechanisms to support the construction industry – is the accelerated provision of housing people in need of better housing, and an increase in consumer demand for apartments and houses, including a mortgage.

VK: Can the government support under construction commercial real estate? EK: Potential support only socially significant objects. With respect to commercial real estate – is an open question … VK: How is the purchase of shares in construction projects, financial investors? EK: As a rule, investors are parties interested in financial results, as well as end users. For some, the determining factor is the commercial motive for the other – the consumer. Participants shared construction with the developer enter into an agreement on investing, under which the investor is funding the construction of the property or part thereof (eg, apartments), a builder carrying out construction work.

When completed in accordance with obligations under the agreement signed title to the object of investment proceeds to shareholders. According to experts, a contingent of investors in recent years has changed somewhat. If 2-3 years ago, they were represented by a small group of highly profitable business, now to the investment activity gradually connects the middle class. However, the massive entry of private prevents investors a high level of risk of such a scheme of cooperation. The fact is that during the construction process may be changes due to the price per square meter, a decrease or increase area of the object relative to a specific funding agreement, as well as the period of performance. VK: You know, buying property in a crisis, become a victim of any fraud? How to protect yourself from them? EK: The man has always been characteristic of greed through the assignment of foreign finance. It would be naive to believe that today the situation is different. Today's real estate market – it is truly a vast field for of various frauds and scams. To avoid becoming a victim of fraud, should remember the following rules: First, never give to the originals, only copies. If the company insists on the originals – this should be alerted immediately. Second, do not sign any papers as long as the meaning of each sentence will not be fully understood. Deciding to seek the services of one or another real-estate company Pay special attention to the presence of her license, diplomas, testimonials and other necessary documents. Also, do not be redundant view so-called "black lists" on the Internet. These are special sites on which provides information on companies found guilty of fraud. If you contact the agency by the buyer immediately demand money without providing any guarantees – fraud is more than possible, and the best way to avoid fraud when buying a property will be consulting a professional lawyer. ————————————————– ————————– * The Association of Russian Builders

The Transaction

These apartments are 20-30% cheaper than the market. If you clearly know what you want and realize that enough money, do not have endless view. Have a professional Realtors have that sort of rule that the customer must make their choice at 5-6 viewing. In general, it is justified. If a realtor pro, then it will only offer suitable options. In my practice, there were people who viewed more than 50 apartments. Believe me, they have the hell of a lot of trouble themselves, tortured estate agent, and eventually took an apartment is worse than initially proposed. Time passed, prices jumped, and had to take not what you like, and what's left.

Okay, apartment chosen. Now we have to pay an advance or deposit to "stake out" option you like. What's the difference. Under current law, if the party receiving the deposit waives the transaction, then it should return advance in double time. That's the whole difference.

If you refuse the deal, no down payment, no down payment seller will not return to you. But I've never seen a down payment returned voluntarily to double. Almost certainly you will have to go to court, pay court costs, spending lots of time to meetings and litigation. Therefore, the parties usually agree to return only the input amount no matter what the name of the contract. You, as buyer necessary to insist that it had been prescribed certain conditions. After all, you have a mortgage, which means increased demands on the documents and terms. First, be sure to specify in the contract that the apartment is purchased and a mortgage loan. Second, specify the list of documents that the seller should provide you with. Prescribe that the sellers agree to put in an apartment representative assessment of the company. It is also necessary specify in the contract that all documents must be provided to you within 5-10 days prior to the transaction or the termination of the contract. After all, if you get the documents on the last day, we prepare all necessary documentation to deal would be unrealistic, and the next day, sellers can advance or deposit you will not return, and again put the apartment up for sale. It's you of the provision did not come to a deal. Also specify in the contract that case of failure of the bank to provide credit for the purchase of the apartment or take out an insurance company for insurance of this apartment, down payment (deposit) will be returned in full. For hedging, the contract is better conclude the month. Documents can be collected is usually 7-10 days, plus 10 days to prepare the transaction – for 20 days and 10 days at different force majeure. Get faster – great. Have problems – you have time to spare. If you work with a realtor, adjust it to the fact that he regularly reported to the work done. Keep your finger on the pulse. Call the bank, specify the situation. With real estate agent talk at least 3-4 times a week. After the flats call bank at least 2 times a week. It's your deal, your apartment, so do not let things take their course. And how is the deal, we'll talk in the next article.

Getting a Mortgage

In a joint program of the client can get a bank's decision to grant a mortgage loan, as well as to order the necessary list of real estate services in the region of residence, and search services or selling real estate approval of the apartment in the bank, real estate appraisal, insurance, delivery and execution of the sale are the location of the property. Affiliate program provides an opportunity to use the services of the holding 'Miel' and KMB-Bank in St. Petersburg or Moscow, depending on where you live to get the full range of real estate and banking services in the market of another city. The range of services the program coincides with the power, traditionally provided by the parties and lets you save time and money of clients. "The purpose of our interaction – the dream of people who want to buy, sell or exchange property, located in St. Petersburg or Moscow with the use of loan funds – says the director of the St.

Petersburg branch of "Miel" Maria Sorokina. – Experience of holding "Miel" for the long-distance transactions, as well as experience KMB-BANK, the bank group "Intesa Sanpaolo" in mortgage lending helps to ensure maximum comfort and safety when carrying out such real estate transactions. " Holding "Miel" – the supplier intellectual services in real estate. Its principal activities are investment, development, consulting, brokerage and asset management. "Miel" in the Russian market for about 18 years. On today the network has 37 offices Holding, of which 6 are located in suburbs, 7 – in the regions.


Privatbank out an action to attract new customers and agents (all completely free of charge). Agent – a person who will attract new customers to the bank and pridlagat of products of the bank. For an agent receives a substantial payment. It does not matter whether you have a main job or not, you dispose of your time for yourself. You have no obligations to the bank. You yourself choose how much to spend time on the job. By the way for campaigning customer goes to 15 minutes, and pay an average of about 100 UAH (worth considering).

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Cash Loan

Among the huge variety of credit offers from banks, an inexperienced person rather difficult to choose the best option. However, despite the complexity, making it certainly will. After all, you do not want pay more extra money, paying bank interest. Of course, the potential borrower is always a choice. For example, ask for help from financial adviser or mortgage broker. Of course, their services are not can be free. Otherwise, you can always, putting some effort yourself to understand all the intricacies of the credit relationship.

Of course, we must bear in mind that some types of lending, such as mortgages, require considerably more time and effort, rather than, for example, cash loans. In any case, you need to weigh all the pros and cons in order to choose the most optimal solution for you. That regards, cash loan, this type of lending is the simplest in terms of understanding its features. Therefore, almost any potential borrower is able to understand it. And for it to be easier to pay attention to several recommendations regarding this type of loan. In the first place to soberly assess their financial capabilities, namely, how much money you can safely to their budget paying bank. Pay attention not only on the interest rate on the loan, but the various commissions, since all it increases the cost of credit.

Ask the credit inspector calculated for you monthly payment previously told him about the desired amount. After that Relate this amount to your financial capabilities. Evaluate proposals from different banks, and only then choose the highest-credit program. Perhaps it said a thousand times or you've heard about it a little, but, nevertheless, once again the need for careful reading of the loan agreement. Typically, most problematic situation arises from the fact that missed some moments when signing the latter.


Here it is better to "dance" of the object. That is, first look for a house or estate, which would settle. And then see what kind of bank loans housing in it. The fact is, the bank will give money away is not under any new building, and under the unit – the ones where the builder has good contacts. This stems from the "opacity" of most business builders and developers.

Bank can be difficult to assess the risks, which, incidentally, and customer concern: whether dostroeno housing, which is collateral for the loan? And if so, at what time? Not bankrupt the company and not leave there and the tenants and their lenders with nothing? Incidentally, the very participation of the bank, and behind them the insurance company in its acquisition of primary residence can serve as a guarantee for the buyer – if so bankers agreed to lend the object its "primary", it means they are more or less sure that he would be in order. Question 2 says, sellers do not really want to deal with "mortgage" buyers. Is this true? And the truth is, 5-6 years ago it been a problem. And all because the banks had demanded from the customer's set of documents relating to the acquired property – far more than the package, which is required for normal transaction without the involvement of credit. Who was to gather additional information? The owners or realtors. And why should they bother, if it is so worth all of the customers with their own money? "Mortgage" applicant was refused or at best shell out and pay 1-2% of the purchase price, and maybe more. But now the situation has changed.

Mortgage Market

Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (HMLA) reports that the share of the largest banks in the mortgage market is gradually shrinking. Agency experts have analyzed the market data and found that if in 2009 , the five largest in terms of assets issued for the period 68% of mortgage loans of the total, by the end of the first half of 2010 it had dropped to a mark of 60%. All in all, the bankers were given for the first six months of the current year, 107.2 thousand of mortgage loans totaling 133.4 million rubles. Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending in the analysis took into account the data of the Central Bank of Russia for the top 5 banks with the largest amount of assets Russian banking industry. The agency believes that in the last couple of years in the top five for this indicator were Sberbank and Russian Agricultural Bank, Gazprombank and Bank of Moscow. Experts point out that the first time since crisis, mortgage lending, falling at major players in the market fell, but still so much. The whole point is that, with the turmoil in financial markets is the largest credit institutions provided lending.

In part, this state of affairs has contributed and the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending, trying to save the market by relying just on the big banks. Analysts believe that this trend is caused by much more vigorous actions of small banks in the mortgage market. Thus, the report of the Agency for Mortgage Lending said that 'in the first half of the weighted average interest rates on loans in rubles (progressive total from the beginning of the year), the largest banks were highest on the market – 13.9% at the end of the first half. The lowest rates on loans in rubles offered smaller banks. " However, experts do not think that the share of large banks will continue to shrink significantly in the near future.

State Registration Chamber

When a loan will be provided, it is necessary to purchase an apartment, obtain all necessary documents and state registration of property rights. After paying the seller of the apartment the borrower becomes rightful owner of the apartment. One problem – the new property is already in the bank laid … List of documents provided by the bank after the state registration of property rights: – notarized A copy of the ownership of the apartment – a notarized commitment of all adult family members in an eviction from an apartment in case of default by the borrower under loan agreements (Alas) – resolution of custody and guardianship for the mortgage (pledge) apartment – insurance risk of loss and damage to the apartment, loss of property rights – an explication of (the plan of the apartment) from BTI and checkout of the BTI value of the apartment – a contract for maintenance of the apartment – contracts for utility services (with the providers of such services). Associated costs of the loan. We give the maximum amount cost of a mortgage loan on the secondary market: – a notary – to 1,5% of the price specified in the contract – check the contract with the State Registration Chamber – up to 1000 rubles – evaluation Apartments certified appraiser – from $ 100 – insurance deal – 1,5% of the (loan amount + 10%) – fee to the bank for loans – to 1% of loan amount – maintaining the loan account – up to 1% of the loan amount, charged by the bank once a year – to review an application, signing a credit agreement – from 1 000 rubles – rent deposit box for the transaction of buying an apartment – 20 – $ 70; And for Mortgages in the primary housing market should be still spend: – checked that the technical condition of the bank's requirements – from $ 150 – evaluation of the object – from $ 100 – construction audit – from $ 300 – insurance deal – 1,5% of the (loan amount + 10%) – holding the mortgage deal – $ 200 – money transfer developer – at a price the bank for non-cash transactions – opening and maintaining accounts in the bank – from 1% to 2% a year – to review an application and the conclusion of the credit contract on the bank rates – from $ 100.

Commercial Banks

Any commercial bank has a capital which, in essence, is expressed in its fixed and circulating capital. Fixed assets have the lowest level of liquidity, and often exist in the form of various buildings of the bank, land allotments and machinery, office furniture, computer equipment, working capital of the bank – it's most liquid part of its capital, expressed in securities (bills, stocks, free cash flow). Thus, liquidity funds of the bank (ie the possibility of their rapid conversion to free funds) involves four basic types of them: the most highly liquid bank funds – are funds that do not require conversion into cash, because it is already, as well as funds that can almost instantly become the cash (funds on correspondent accounts with other banks, checks and other payment instruments). These assets are the most highly, but they do not bring income, so they share relatively high. The most highly liquid funds of the bank is its primary reserves, as a guarantee of solvency, highly liquid funds Bank – a fund that can quickly be converted into cash of the bank (eg, short-term promissory notes received, short-term loans receivable, as well as demand deposits, etc.).

These assets highly liquid, and bring a little interest income. Highly liquid funds of the bank is a potential means for increasing the mass of the primary reserves, so often referred to as a secondary reserve (or insurance funds of liquidity); mean liquidity of bank funds – in effect for the treatment of these assets to the free money supply requires a certain period of time (which depends on the conditions of the loan agreement). These assets the most profitable and most of them form the profits of the banking institution. This group of funds, can also be attributed to a very interesting structural component – the gallant operations. The proportion of such transactions strongly increases, it is quite profitable, but require a certain reserve balances under warranty.

Such operations do not require banks to no cost, provided of course that the object is to guarantee reliable, low liquidity of bank funds – this group of assets is difficult to be converted into the free money supply. This building and land, and vehicles of the bank, seized collateral, etc. Often often they generate revenue only conditionally, provided of course that is not located in the temporary use of other on terms of repayment and interest payment. Speaking of the funds of banking institutions, incl and commercial, it should be noted that the greatest proportion of their bank funds average liquidity. Their structure is primarily a recording and loan funds, and securities, and transactions with these funds can be regarded as basic. Today, the structure active banking has changed significantly due to the intensification of the use of securities in the mobilization of bank resources. Today, the priority becomes the operation of converting credit obligations of the borrower in a special type of securities – bills and bonds. The latter, often expressed in the issuance of bonds under the obligations under the mortgage. The popularity of such operations due to the possibility of resale secondary market for commercial lending – certainly in this case, the selling party loses some level of profitability over the active operation.