Commercial Real Estate Agency

You went into business and want to buy, rent space for office or warehouse? You are in despair and did not know whom to contact? Enough to worry about nothing because there is now real estate agency, AU Rielti.Nashe agency in the shortest time you pick up a cozy room for all your needs: office, warehouse space for a shop or restaurant. Do not waste time on trivia, dovretes professionals. We are working on the comic market of real estate not the first year and have already managed to establish the necessary links for these operatsiy.Na our site you will find a non-residential premises at any place convenient to you area of Moscow and Moscow region. The site is organized in an easy search database, so you can easily fit in the room will pick up the criteria. Forget the long search, there is now a company that does all the dirty work for vas.Na our website, you can not only buy or rent suitable premises, but also to find buyers for accommodation, which is in your sobstvennosti.Nash site – a unique find for any businessman. Here, each will receive what has long sought. If you need rent a room nearby with your business, then you are welcome to contact us. If you want to sell you an unnecessary accommodation at a bargain price, you can arrange the sale with us. You can always get competent advice from our experts who know the commercial real estate all the necessary aspects.

Mortgage Loan

Delta credit offers its customers the opportunity to purchase real estate as a mortgage loan in the secondary and the primary housing market. Nuances of the mortgage bank's loan feature of the Delta Delta Credit Bank is the fact that the bank will allow you to bring up to 4 co-borrower (spouse, parents or children) and when making lending decisions take into account the income of all co-borrowers. In order to get a mortgage with the bank Delta Loan, potential borrowers must provide Banco Delta credit application form, passport, driver's license, a copy of work record, certified by the employer, a certificate confirming income of at least Last 6 months (according to form 2-PIT, or in the form of bank), documents certifying the marital status, the documents confirming the presence of expensive property (apartment, villa, car). Binding condition is the insurance of both the borrower and the property. In addition, the borrower must pay their own third party required for issuing the purchase and sale of the apartment.

Delta Mortgage Loan offers a wide range of mortgage programs. Feature is the fact that the bank does not require the borrower Russian citizenship, as well as collateral or guarantee. To obtain a mortgage loan Delta potential customer must provide the bank application form, copy of passport, copy of documents attesting to his civil status, copies of birth certificates of children, copies of education certificates, a copy of driver's license and military ID, copy of work record, certified by the employer or labor agreements and contracts of employment. Delta credit also requires a certificate confirming income on Form 2-PIT and brief information about the kind of company and job duties of the borrower. Closer look at the list of documents available at the bank site Delta credit.

A Mortgage Broker Or Banks ?

Number of banking offers is tremendous. Banks react instantly to changes in the automotive market and make adjustments to their lending programs. Ignorant, in this case, a man to understand and choose according to the present, profitable bank’s program is very difficult. In turn, design auto loan also requires completion of a large number of documents. Therefore, assistance and specialist advice essential. Mortgage broker – this is specialist in lending.

First of all, it provides a necessary service and acts as a financial consultant. Some firms function performs a credit broker credit department. As the official partner banks, he is a kind of intermediary between borrowers and lenders, and has some advantages over ordinary fellow citizens. At the same time he works with many banks, and is familiar with their conditions car loans, so by appealing directly to him, do not have to go to banks, to communicate with bank employees to fill in many papers. Analyzing the market, it will come to getting car loan after careful consideration, calculate all possible, offer a reliable bank with profitable for the customer lending program. Such an approach would help avoid many surprises and troubles in the future.

The main objective of the loan broker intelligibly explain to the borrower all the nuances, all the obscure points of the loan agreement, the possible hidden charges, no noticeable at first glance, to calculate the true costs of the loan. He must collect the entire package documents to help the client to confirm the size of his income, after assessing its creditworthiness, and to calculate the desired amount of monthly payments. Attracting customers, the calculations performed credit broker is convenient for the banks providing the loan. Therefore, they in turn give some advantages to customers of the broker. For its customers, many banks are developing programs for the calculation of auto loan – credit calculators. According to him quite simple to calculate and compare the entire list of acceptable proposals. Lack of a loan calculator is that the calculation is performed only on individual bank formulas. And since banks constantly making changes in their program, then under certain conditions, credit and commissions calculation does not always accurate. When choosing a mortgage broker or loan calculator, ultimately, the choice is always for the borrower.

The Development Of Shopping Centers In Ukraine

This is confirmed by the data provided by Colliers International: volume of retail trade enterprises, which operate in the retail trade in January-May 2006. was 33.9 billion UAH. that constant prices by 27.4% more than in January-May 2005. As the economy and growth in retail trade has been a gradual shift in the structure of the total retail space – from markets to more civilized formats. The retail market – in the face, both buyers and retailers – all put forward higher requirements to the place where the buying process. According to the company GfK-USM, share supermarkets and small shops in the cost of consumer goods rose in Ukraine from 21% in 2000 to 37% in 2005.

The development of any industry is inextricably linked with the economic situation in the country, and commercial real estate – not exception. This relationship is direct and fairly simple character – the level of economic development is a key factor in determining the value of effective demand, which, in turn, determines the volume of retail trade in all countries, which is the main carrier of the demand for commercial property. If you follow the dynamics of income and expenditure and link it with the dynamics of retail trade, we can conclude a high level of correlation between these parameters. The high level of demand for commercial real estate there in all the cities in the country for several years. To date, the proposal commercial areas, and particularly relevant quality standards, are unable to meet the demand for them.

Cottage Settlement For Large Families

Each year, the Moscow city government allocates new sites for new construction properties. High-rise buildings are being erected. On the outskirts of Moscow, there were whole neighborhoods. Firms that operate in the real estate market constantly updating their offers. Every year, prices for Moscow real estate values. And every year, the hope of improving their housing conditions for the majority of Muscovites is becoming increasingly utopian. But not all that bad.

Thousands of families in recent years have received their new apartments. In 2007, city authorities have begun to address the issue of improving the living conditions of families caring for five or more children. By the end of the year already 219 families have received new apartments in new buildings. 2008 declared 'Year of the Family ". In this regard, the Moscow government decided to erect one in the city – two-storey cottages for families caring for one or more children. Already identified a site for construction of new homes.

They are located in several territorial constituencies. This administrative districts: Northwest, North – East, East and Zelenograd. As well as South-West administrative district, the village Zakhar'in, located in the district South Butovo. Decided to create a gated development in an area of 2.5 hectares will be built and comfortable two-storey houses, designed for two families. The cottage has two separate inputs. One underground floor and two residential floors above ground. For each family provides a garage and a plot of 0.3-0.4 ha. The total area of the house with a garage, but excluding the technical facilities, is about 180 sq.m. Until the end of 2008 will be put into operation 193 cottages. That will provide all families with children of five or more people in need of better housing conditions.

Moscow Room Rental

Is that great or rent rooms in Moscow? Recently, the price of the average small apartment in Moscow rose to the level of rent an apartment in Europe. Someone who is easy? – The reader will ask. But let understand the components of the high prices. Compare the cost of housing in Europe or America completely pointless – it is cheaper from it will not, and can ruin the mood. Because of the bubble blown away and the secondary primary real estate demand has fallen for the purchase, but also proposals for the lease have not increased one iota, resulting in a more or less to find suitable housing (not to mention the convenience of the tenants in terms of transport interchanges, infrastructure development) is practically impossible. That is, find an apartment in a couple of kilometers from the metro, in a residential area can be run down, but the cost of living increases well. Today the cost of renting a room from 10 000 rubles 26 000 rubles from the apartment, depending on the area of the apartment price changes, but we're talking about the middle.

How many homeowners make? Thus, the cost of utilities by an average of one room in a communal is 600 rubles, 40 rubles light, the phone around $ 100. On, already 750 rubles. If the market value of the room in a communal sleeping area in Izmailovo 68 000 thousand dollars and the depreciation of housing 100% at 30 years old (it is clear that arithmetic is approximate) leaves 4,900 rubles.

Austria Real Estate

But the main interest of the buyers of real estate in Austria are not only and not so much the ski slopes: a much more prestigious and interesting sites on the lake, from which you can quickly get up to a few tracks at once. Call the real estate market in the area ski resorts could be active: there is very little construction of new facilities and very slowly resold to those already built. For example, in most resort towns of Tyrol (including Kitzbuhel in the sensational) for sale in the year exhibited only about 20-30 objects, or even less. Some are sold over the years. 5.1.

What prices (outside of and before) on your property? Upper limit, as always, does not exist. Prices for conventional homes are highly dependent on the location and distance from the ski slopes and the house itself, but start to pick up something can be from 150 thousand Euro. For this money you can buy a small house in Austria in the vicinity of Salzburg. 5.3. Are there any restrictions on the purchase by foreigners, and, if so, what are they? And they keep the market from the rapid growth and large amounts of transactions.

Buy real estate by foreigners in the resort areas of Austria is not easy, and in some places and not at all: to buy in the Tyrol and Carinthia could only Austrians who have lived in the region for more than 10 years, or a legal person with a predominance Austrian capital. Path exists, but a costly and do the annual maintenance is enough overhead, ie do all of this to purchase an inexpensive object – quite impractical and expensive hotels are preferred – then sought and Austrian authorities. 5.4. Where is best place to buy real estate on which items when you buy should pay special attention to customers? There is no single board can not be given here. It all depends on the purpose of buyer, but given the specificity of the Austrian market, usually among those goals is not speculation. The Russians are popular in Vienna apartments and houses in its immediate surroundings and, of course, ski resorts here in the main buying houses and villas. Company EstateService

Dontesk City Center

Recently, however, in regions of rapidly began to appear really professional sites such as' Europe 'and' Mall Mid-Fontanskaya 'in Odessa, SEC' Duffy 'SEC' bridge 'and' Europa Center 'in Dnipropetrovsk,' Caravan 'in Kharkov, SC "Donetsk City Center', 'Metro' (Lviv, Odessa, Kiev, Poltava, Dnepropetrovsk, Krivoy Rog, Kharkov, Lugansk) and others in the rental rates regional shopping centers are not very different from Kiev, because the cost of building the shopping center are about the same everywhere and are $ 0.7-1 thousand per square meter. The average rate in regional trade complexes – $ 20-100 per sqm per month. In recent years, rental rates show an upward trend. Increase in average base rental rates in the first half of 2006, in shopping centers by 10% compared to December year. In areas of high demand for certain items had increased prices by 15%. The main reason for growth was still limited supply of quality retail space in shopping centers and the most important shopping corridors.

Rental rates vary depending on the location of the shopping center, company profile, the amount of rentable area. Maximum rents are paid operators gift and accessory product group ($ 60-65 in 2004 – $ 90-100 in 2005), the minimum rental rates are established for anchor tenants and entertainment sector, supermarkets ($ 12-13 in 2004 – $ 20-21 in 2005). As a result, the maximum level of rent rates have long been overtaken Kiev other East European capitals – Warsaw, Budapest and Prague. Paradoxically, however, higher rental rates does not reduce the payback period of real estate projects, on the contrary, today there is a tendency to increase.

Novosibirsk Commercial Real Estate

And at the moment the prices are in the range of 45-65 rubles per square meter, compared with the beginning of the year where peak price was 50 rubles per square meter. Comparing the prices of commercial real estate in Novosibirsk, we can see that the price increase does not exceed 10-15%. But do not forget that the economic zone Novosibirsk is constantly in development, and if at the beginning of 2007 in Dzerzhinsk district average price of office space was about 55 rubles per square meter, then, today, it averages 60-70 thousand per square meter. The figure of 10-15% is relevant to the major economic zones of the city of Novosibirsk, such as the Central Region, Karl Marx avenue, etc. Rents are also the same has not changed significantly, and an annual increase of about 12-17%, with the exception of the Central Railway and the areas where due to the discovery of several business centers, class "A", the picture changed significantly, and the average rental rate of office space is 1400-1700 rubles per square meter. Considering the rents of commercial premises, you will notice that here there has been significant growth for the year and it increased on average by 40-50%, indicating a significant development in this area. Can not disregard and warehouse real estate, but in contrast to the commercial and office premises, tangible changes were observed in the sale and to rent because of the still underdeveloped in the development of warehouse real estate, and small input of logistics centers. And in the end I would like to mention another important factor, as the discovery of several large shopping centers in our city, such as "Auchan" (an area about 10 thousand square meters), "Big bear "(area of 46 thousand square meters), IKEA , (27 thousand square meters), Royal park (area about 60 thousand square meters), which favorably affects the economic development in our city and is an indication that the whole city of Novosibirsk is attractive to investment in many sectors including real estate.

Property Mortgage

Then he gets himself some a simple studio in Spain to obtain a Schengen multivisa. – What are the costs of the residential real estate waiting for its new owners? – Property tax, which in each province and is considered by its very complicated scheme, but, in practice, it is 0.2-0.5% of property value per year. Plus, about 0.2% a year – a tax on individuals who own real estate. Cleaning fee houses adjoining areas, entrances, playgrounds, etc. set meeting residents and is usually from 50 to 500 euros per quarter depending on the class housing. Utility bills: for example, if a household of two people living in a two-bedroom apartment, they take about 60-70 euros per month. Again, it all depends on the size and class of property. – We know that many people buy real estate in the resort countries in order to lease it.

How complex is the procedure for foreign nationals – non-residents of Spain? And what about the rental market? – Yes, the apartments are often taking out a mortgage and come here to relax for a few weeks a year, and the rest of the time, so the apartment is not idle, and somehow compensate for the costs rent it out. If this little apartment, you can pay off the mortgage in full, but if it is a huge apartment, bungalow or villa, the mortgage will be partly to beat. I want to warn that receive income from the rental bought a mortgage real estate will not work. There are two forms of rental real estate: year-round and short-term tourists. Naturally, tourists rent housing at higher prices, but it is not guaranteed earnings, when thick, and when empty.

– What you can highlight the main advantages of buying a home in the primary and secondary markets? What price differences in these segments? – Let’s order. Benefits of Buying apartments in the primary market. Housing choice in this segment much more. Finishes, and sometimes planning options can be selected according to your taste, but not to the liking of the last owner. Everything else, the buyer of a new apartment construction is given 10-year warranty. The advantages of a home purchase in the secondary market. The possibility of finding an apartment in a particular place: in a particular city, region, district, home. And, importantly, the vast majority second hand apartments already furnished. As for prices, the secondary market a little bit cheaper than the primary. That’s it. – Yuri, thank you for this interesting and informative conversation. – Please! And before the meeting in Spain!