History Of Bubble Plastic

Colloquially known as plastic bubble bubble wrap – is flexible plastic is used for the packaging of fragile or sensitive items to suffer damage. The work of bubbles is cushioning the blows, the material is manufactured with bubbles of different sizes, bubbles size depends on the item that you want to pack. There are different types of bubble plastic, for packaging articles you want, if you want to package electronic items will be best if you use anti-static plastic to ward off lightning. In other occasions is also used as a thermal insulator. For many people buy bubble wrap is a distraction since it works as de-stressing therapy, or simply to relax. The invention of bubble plastic has 52 years of life which has meant a great step forward in the transportation industry, packing large small and large scale also has become an important icon of modern culture. The plastic of bubbles was created by Mac Chavannes and the fielding. It is said that it was created from the vision that had bubbles to see the clouds as they went on an airplane.

As the country is known as to the bubble wrap, some named it air sealing, plastic – bubble, poliburbuja, sealed air, among others. Generally sold per roll of 30 cm x 3 m and its cost per meter does not exceed $25, you can get it on stationery or stores specializing in packaging material. Plastic bubble is achieved in places where selling packing materials and packing, usually sold in rolls and there are different types of thicknesses as well as sizes of bubbles. The real estate sector, transportation, industrial, electrical and construction are those who have benefited from the use of bubble wrap. With information from group Flecipol


What are the stages of gum disease? What is gum disease? Gum disease is an inflammation which can advance to affect the bone that surrounds and holds the teeth. It is caused by the bacteria, to the form constantly on the teeth a transparent and sticky film. If not eliminates it daily with the use of dental floss and brushing, plaque builds and the bacteria can infect not only the surface gum and teeth, but also the gum tissue and bone that holds the teeth. This can be a cause for teeth become loose, fall off or finally the dentist have to extract. There are three stages of gum disease: Gingivitis: this first stage of the disease is an inflammation of the gums caused by plaque buildup on the edge of it, which cannot be removed by brushing and flossing daily use, produces toxins that irritate the gum tissue, causing gingivitis. It can be seen bleeding during brushing, When using dental or even spontaneously thread.

At this early stage of the disease, the damage can be reversed, already to the bone and connective tissue that holds the teeth in place still have not been affected. Periodontitis: At this stage, the bone and the fibers that hold the teeth in place suffer irreversible damage. Forms a bag under the edge of the gums, where trapped food and plate. Proper dental treatment and more careful attention at home, generally, help to prevent further damage. Advanced periodontitis: this final stage of the disease, destroy the fibers and bone that holds the teeth, which makes the teeth move or become loose.

The bite may be affected and, if there is an appropriate treatment, can happen that the dentist has to extract teeth. How do I know if I have gum disease? It can occur at any age, but is most common in adults. If it is detected in its early stages, it can be reversed. Consult your dentist if notice any of the following symptoms: gums are reddened, swollen or sensitive there are bleeding gums when brushing or using dental floss the teeth seem to be longer because the gums have been retracted and the roots are they feel changes in the way in which close the teeth to the bite may be output of pus between the teeth and gums is constantly perceivedthe presence of bad breath or bad taste in the mouth how is gum disease? The early stages of the disease, it usually can be reversed with proper brushing and proper flossing. Good oral health will help prevent the formation of plaque. A professional cleaning performed by your dentist or hygienist is the only way to remove the plaque buildup that has hardened and become tartar. Your dentist or hygienist will clean your teeth to remove tartar above and below the edge of the gum. If your condition is more severe, perhaps carry out a procedure of straightening of the roots. Root planing helps to eliminate irregularities in the dental roots, hindering the tank plate. By scheduling periodic reviews, disease of the gums in their early stages can be treated, until it becomes a more serious disorder. If the disease is at a more advanced state, you will need a treatment carried out in the Office.