Seventh edition of school and teaching brochure by DasTelefonbuch Cologne, October 4, 2010 – under the title “My first animal language book” is the seventh edition of the education and textbook by DasTelefonbuch starting in October 2010. The booklet is aimed with a circulation of 350,000 copies on primary school children of classes three and four. Click Stephen M. Ross for additional related pages. Interested in children’s and educational institutions can free packages with 50, 100 or 150 books in DasTelefonbuch order. The confrontation with nature is a theme that is very important for children, learns yet little attention. “My first animal language book” aims to promote a sustainable interest in the domestic environment, which can be useful to future generations. The year 2010 was declared by the United Nations “International year of biodiversity” 2011 should be the “year of the forests”. A total of 32 pages playfully introduces “My first animal language book” language and writing exercises on the theme and gives helpful information on the hand teachers as parents.

In dialog form explain the two main protagonists of Susi and Tobi is each other the nature and animal communication. The two present various domestic animals to the children and explain the differences between human and animal communication in a playful way. The students also learn to reflect on their own language. The booklet is designed for third – and fourth-graders. My first book of animal language is accompanied by a booklet for teachers, which supports the integration of the animal language book with didactic methodical tips in the classroom. Additional, removable part can be used in addition of the children as your own phone book, that they themselves can design and create.

The teaching material in the DIN-A5 format is provided free children’s and school facilities in the entire Federal territory. The appointment is made via a form on. Company description of DasTelefonbuch DasTelefonbuch – a medium, a brand that is represented in almost all German households – will published jointly by 38 publishers and DeTeMedien GmbH. Since the first edition in 1881, DasTelefonbuch has changed long ago to a comprehensive multi-access platform. At any time and from any location can be accessed on over 30 million binding address for free: whether on the Internet under, travelling via mobile service under or almost been classically as language information, printed or CD-ROM. In addition the best-known directory Germany offers many more tools to active find, use and processing of addresses – all, to remain easy to contact. Company contact: Phone book service Gesellschaft mbH Silke grabbing Mills n.. 8 50676 Koln Tel: + 49 (0) 221 31 06 70-160 E-Mail: Web: – Trend Scout At The Frankfurt Book Fair sifts through the trends of the book fair eBooks not only secret but also free in the the book fair in Frankfurt is now already almost as old as the printing press itself – looked up to and get the news of the fair for all literature fans in the online-shop. The eBook is considered greatest innovation as before. 40 classics of literature can be found until November 1st as a free download at the online shop from Tradition and innovation when an innovation has influenced our literature last year, is the eBook. What attracted more attention last year, is no longer indispensable these days. The medium book has made a great technological progress that can gain more and more fans for themselves. You make the eBook becoming more popular and popular. Of course, there are now already affordable and modern eBook reader: the Cybook Opus from Bookeen at offers, for example, all the technical and practical requirements for the digital book browsing.

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Forum Point

But to it to understand, we, need the best in early childhood, all of them learn. So around welfare succeed sustainably. Because children who grow up with the new, pet-friendly awareness, possibly make the next generation of animal lovers – the beginning of a happy future for humans and animals. Lady Cindy voice, the animal rights activist and author Heike B. Tschirner Rhinelander are cheerful, clearly! Perhaps, Heike B. Tschirner, best Cologne vintage 1966, is therefore so obviously time happy. But her true happiness comes from their perfect communication with animals. No children’s story, but beautiful truth from the animal welfare: the author of “guinea pigs what makes us happy! understands and speaks meerschweinisch.

In the Heike B. Tschirner real life working as a commercial clerk. In your spare time it is foster and mediation help holds seminars on the educational work – housing, nutrition and health topics for Guinea pigs, by Guinea pigs – and all actively engaged in animal welfare. Guinea Pigs what makes us happy! It is available on amazon, ISBN 978-3942802840. 25% Of the proceeds to animal welfare projects are awarded when ordering in the publishing house (see below). The NOEL-Verlag Oberhausen in the animal welfare the Noel-Verlag Oberhausen is a family operation, which is the promotion of emerging writers of almost all genres at the heart.

It does not come as an author in the world. But you can – if one strives one. We want to help! (Copyright quote: Noel-Verlag Oberhausen). The authors received support from a professional editing, a well promoted publication and the opportunity to develop in the literature competitions of the publishing house and to prove. Noel manuscripts of the genre are published by Verlag previously fantasy, mystery, science fiction, crime, humor, children’s and youth literature and animal themes. Animal welfare is supported specifically with the proceeds of the writing competitions. Provides a Publisher’s own pet Forum Point of contact, Exchange and inspiration for writing and the “real life”active or interested in animal welfare.