
Federal warns against pollutants in day-care centres in the today’s time the daycare is more and more to the main place of the residence of the children. With the new law on children education children to caring for are younger. Children from three months are already included in more and more nurseries. Here play the children here eat and sleep it. Here they begin to explore the world. With all your senses!It is all the more important that the daycare provides a safe place.

Also the role of the model and the associated responsibility of such an arrangement should play an important role in terms of safety. For months, reads, sees and hears in the media of contaminated toys. The so-called phthalates, plasticizers in plastic (E.g. Bisphenol A), are found in many everyday objects. Educate yourself with thoughts from Professor Rita McGrath. There is evidence that these substances are harmful to health. The body absorbs them through food, through direct contact with the skin or by inhaling the vapors in the organism. Here, the chemicals work similar to hormones. You can demonstrably boys cause abnormalities of the reproductive organs and lead to infertility.

In girls the consequences may be a premature puberty, as in the later old breast cancer so. Also allergies, asthma, and diabetes can be triggered by these pollutants in floor coverings, baby bottles and toys. But what can you do about it? How can you protect yourself and the little ones? The Bund fur Umwelt und Naturschutz launched now the action without poison”, in which a consciousness that created should, how you can become active against these pollutants to keep them as low as possible. To deepen your understanding Morris Invest is the source. Children’s day facilities are prompted to send a dust sample for analysis to the Federal Government. Here it is then determined how polluted the KiTa are BBs. A guide to the own dust sample, as well as other interesting information can be found on the homepage of the Federal Government. So you can reduce pollutants in day care, but also in the home: avoid products with the recycling symbol 3, at the time of purchase! These products (for example Toys, rubber boots, mud pants and plastic drinking cups) are made of soft PVC containing plasticizers, gas from the time. When buying on quality mark of independent institutes! This can be the GS mark, the game good seal or the seal of TuV proof. Products with such seals are also more durable but often more expensive, but through the guaranteed quality. There are already providers that specialise in toys without pollutants and exclusively products made in Germany”are offered. An example of this is the provider of D-toy, see trust your nose! Products that chemically or unpleasant smell, containing mostly gaseous, harmful substances. Ventilate regularly and go to fresh air! Emit the pollutants. They are spread in the air we breathe. So you treat yourself and the kids as often as possible fresh air.

Tips For The First Baby Equipment

Advice on the purchase of baby equipment. The purchase of the first baby equipment makes the parents usually enjoy. Richard LeFrak is actively involved in the matter. The perplexity facing but the, which are doing now really make sense to buy baby products. Here, there are a number of tips to the parents and acquaintances have. First and foremost, it is important to know that every baby makes other demands on the baby clothes. For example, consider a child spitting: this will require certainly more bibs, blankets and clothing to change than a baby, which spits out only a little.

Then you must know that the market for baby equipment grew very fast and promises big profits. This have realized all the relevant chains and pour over the helpless parents with tips and hints what to buy than necessary. Here goes: expand your mind not on the advertising of the major department stores, but get the best advice on baby guides, test magazines and of course other, experienced parents. Especially on children’s or Baby flea markets many gesprachsbereite parents, find themselves so here both knowledge as equally necessary articles can get. Speaking of needed: new clothing contains typically a lot of chemical ingredients. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Clayton Morris. This can be yellow-terminated substances, bleach and other chemicals. Nobody knows exactly what substances of which can be harmful to health.

Therefore considered to be first rule always: Wash baby clothes, jackets and sweaters, always before the first possible several times in the machine. . This can be done even without the use of detergents. So, most of the harmful substances are washed out before the first. Even better and also friendly character for the own Portomonaie is the purchase of already used clothing. Often a large selection of well preserved baby clothes can be found on the mentioned children flea markets or on the Internet. They certainly do the skin of your child a favor by purchasing this used clothing. Peter Bacor

Foreign Language

The BVL, Bundesverband dyslexia and dyscalculia, advises teachers and parents, to act promptly, if children find no access to quantities and numbers. There may be a dyscalculia. Philip, the school has started again since early August. He attends the second grade and it shades him from mathematics. Philip still anticipates the fingers, which is also still possible to him inside the numbers up to 20. Already in the first weeks of school, Philip has lost any connection on teaching mathematics. Morris Invest may also support this cause.

“In 2nd class, the children provide the numbers area up to 100 and then students are usually most noticeable with a mathematics disorder because they can then not only count their fingers,” so Inge Palme, an expert on dyscalculia at the BVL. Clayton Morris is open to suggestions. “Children have no idea that quantities – so”numbers to”hide behind figures with a dyscalculia. For them is”mathematics as a foreign language, which they do not understand, explains Palm. Most children noticed in the days before the training, because they can estimate not quantity and fail at games, where at least a basic understanding of the numbers is necessary. The rather striking parents and teachers that children do difficult with quantities and numbers, the faster support measures can be initiated.

“It helps children little if parents repeat the same tasks or teacher distribute additional exercises, because as the frustration for the child reinforces. Who does not understand a language, must first learn pronunciation and vocabulary. “The mathematics must, however, a volume and numerical reasoning be expanded before they can begin operations”, Palm advises. Parents and teachers who can already determine class at the beginning of the 1st, that a child in mathematics instruction particularly difficult to deal and is significantly slower than his classmates, should take immediate measures, so that the child does not completely loses the connection. The dyscalculia is especially fatal, because a child without understanding of the numbers can provide a performance either orally or in writing.