New York City

Gate Well, dear fans, what terrible and mysterious, it's your finest hour. Team talented director Joe Dante finally finished a long and painstaking work on his new picture 'Gate'. Read additional details here: Morris Invest. The film is, it would seem convoluted, but that he and interesting. Young parent family, in the face of my mother and two sons, Denis, pretty, seventeen years old and still very little seven-year Lucas, left rough and noisy New York City from financial considerations, and move to a small provincial town Bensonvil. Young boys and Denis Lucas, who are accustomed to a fun and eventful life, such movement was necessary not to their liking.

In addition to new home mom children account for a lot more work and time favorite sons is not so much. For Denis in this hole a joy, it turns out their young neighbor young Julie is even nothing, and perhaps you can spend more of his time to conquer her young heart. Despite all of this is the life of the boys, in general, sleeping and not varied. What would you least like to entertain himself and his new girlfriend, Julie and Danny Lucas tasted everything vicinity of their homes. They sniffed and explored every nook and corner of the quarter.

But then, one day, the guys in the basement of his house will come across a very interesting and understandable phenomenon. They just stay in the basement, something like the hatch. Children, without hesitation, to open up this most curious well, without knowing that they opened the gates to the underworld. And then it all started. They are quiet and pacified life, which was previously moment turns into a brutal struggle with their own fears.