Los Woman Writer

It is not elegant to despise the woman writer Ignacio Ortega writer I’ve heard late article that a columnist Almeria has dedicated to Carmen de Burgos. Although late, however, I do not refuse to India because it is still important to not miss in a very lively debate surrounding the figure of Colombine, revitalizing of Spanish journalism. In my move to Brazil I’ve lost documents and books with more sentimental value than Exchange value. However, not have been able to let go of exemplary biography who wrote Carmen de Burgos de Larra, now that the literary world celebrates its bicentennial, which brings unknown and valuable data for the understanding of the life of the great Spanish writer, but also of the literary value of our countrywoman. She, fighter for the regeneration of our country tried, through art journalism, closer to the European bourgeoisie, rather than some journalist of our province has not had time to internalize as vital need to exit the irresponsible provincialism; or simply understand what was the contribution he made to the society of his time and changes arising from their actions and writings in two areas of teaching that I understand cannot be dissociated: public and private.

Ridicule to a writer of Spanish journalism contemporary as Carmen de Burgos is on par, ridicule teachers of journalism and prose writers exceptional, to name a few, as Joan Maragall, Eugenio D Ors, Julio Camba, Ruano Gonzalez or Vazquez Montalban, without forgetting some writers and journalists today as Manuel Vicent, Rosa Montero, Javier Marias, Perez-Reverte, Munoz Molina, Almudena Grandes, Candide, Raul de el PozoAntonio Burgos, Maruja Torres and Felix de Azua. Now that they infiltrate technologies media of all that virtual journalism that gives cramp, there are columnists who take refuge at the opposite end, agaritados in his column tabuco, telling their truths, in search of the reader, rather than any other truth. This racking forgets that the newspaper of every day is a catastrophe of information, an orderly disorder of today and that, against such dizzying pluralities, some readers take refuge in the shelter from the Sun in a column without knowing if they will be wounded, informed or respected in their beliefs and values. (Similarly see: Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE). And this has been the case with the article in question that has left me the sadness of as if all books and newspapers had been burned. It is not fair to forget that the literary, social and pedagogical work of Carmen de Burgos should not be object of indifference but deserves, farther from their own land, enjoy better luck who was a legitimist continuation of journalistic Mannerism, heiress of Larra. Even if it were women.