Labour Inspectorates

Labour inspections have ceased to be a mere process of on-site verification of the fulfilment of the payment of salaries and benefits socaires for directional its objective verification of the facts (to the way in which benefits of workers are executed). Trend: Discusses relevant issues in terms of provenance or no employment contracts, denaturation of brokering and outsourcing, and the application of the principle of primacy of the reality in the case of contracts for services locution.In addition to verification of compliance with rules on safety and health at work. Frequent problems lack of information of how it develops an inspection, how should the employer act without that this becomes an obstruction.Example the non-attendance of the employer to a subpoena for a subpoena.Obstruction to the task of inspection when the employer does not leave to declare a worker. That must make the employer?A labour inspection must always be reported, except in certain cases justifying them, not be true as it may affect the process of the inspection itself. Verification can be done in the workplace, on the premises of the Ministry of labour. The employer in summary, should allow the entrance of the inspector (previously identified as such) and provide the information that is required. That verified?They are three aspects that are verified 1.-hiring hm2.-payment of salaries and benefits socialesLa electronic worksheet is the primary source of information on the level of compliance with labour and social standards and tributarias.3.-formal obligations (example: health and safety standards).

If found missing in employer, are you hara a requirement (deadline that remedying these breaches). Failure to comply with this procedure will initiate the sanctioning procedure that can end in administrative fine more requirement that comply with infraccionadas standards. And your company successfully passed an inspection?Who knows the three designated labour aspects should let us be prepared but.Frequently is that the reason for the infraciciones is not always because the employer does not want to comply with the laws, in many cases situations such as: 1.-how to interpret the Easier2.-ignorance of the way calculo3.-a bad labour consultancy. The audit laboralUsted must be prepared, an x-ray of how are things you would help. For that there are labor audits, which are designed to correct the omissions and/or misinterpretations of the provisions at stake.