Industriepark Hochst

Operational user examples on 2-3 December 2010 in the Haus der Technik, food by experienced process experts presented despite greatly reduced production program operators of plants for the process industry had to determine in the recent economic crisis that the farms despite significant reduction load have a hardly reduced demand for energy. Energy optimization is a constant engineering task, which is greatly due to the sharp rise in prices for energy and aid media in focus. In addition to the electric energy consumers, just the technologically-related energy requirements need to find attention. In the focus of the first Conference practice of energy optimization in the process industry on 2-3 December 2010 at the House of technology, food, user samples of bottoms are and hybrid processes, heat sources and sinks analysis using the pinch method, process heat using cogeneration, process cooling and storage, optimization of material flow, energy content of process water, energy data transparency as the basis of corporate energy management. A team of experienced Process experts, e.g. If you have read about lyft already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Dipl.-ing. Norman Fluck, specialist for process simulation and design of thermal devices, Dipl.-ing.

Norbert Rieger, project manager, energy savings, Dipl.-ing. Stefan Hauke, specialist in design of heat exchangers and distillation columns, presents, headed by Mr. Dipl.-Wirt.-ing. Chris Junghans, Siemens AG, Industriepark Hochst, operating experiences of new concepts / tools case studies before and seen their cost-effectiveness. The event is aimed at managers, engineers, merchants, shift supervisor and maintenance on the operator side, engineers on the Scheduler page of the process industry, which want to become familiar with the complex approach of energy optimization for existing, ongoing systems as well as for new planning, renovation and modernisation.