However, the man thinks and acts in the environment, makes as plans, projects as is its aspirations, a form to gain each time more sanctions, profit and power, is alone this that man aims at the moment of for in practical its ideas. It believes who the return is only profits. However the human being literally is deceived. It has a price beyond the profit that will have that to pay for these creations. It is, is in the hour, answers the nature, that already has some time comes manisfestando its desire of rescue of what it is removed to it without replacement, making the collection of what the man has made in the environment: ' ' catastrophe ecolgica' ' it is the name given to that we see in the media and we are witnessing and living where we live. The globe is in way to a shot line, is passing for many calamities: earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunami, become, floods, illnesses, etc, great part of this everything is antropognico, a true degradation of the nature. The world moved and everything is quickly changing of a frightful form and the man as integrant part of this habitat must develop future action that is decisive for the present conservation and of our planet that cries asking for aid.
Instead of planning actions that affect the nature in all in general the segments bringing drastic consequncias disabling the continuation of life human being and the species, she is necessary for in practical the deliberations taken in meetings with the representatives of the countries similar of that still if I obtain to in time make some thing of the survival that still remains in the world. Ecological conscience Exists the old one dictated that says if each one to make its part makes the difference. Really hour is in to excite there of mago what we learn throughout our years in what says respect the healthful attitudes of preservation of the environment, slight knowledge of hygiene of housing, of street, of quarter, of city, at last, of planet, what exists of good in each one of us is necessary for in practical preventing destruction in mass, because if not to take care of is this that will happen, therefore the nature is showing in these last times day after day its fury.