Choosing Interior Doors

How many times did you do repairs in your apartment? If you live in it for a long time, it is unlikely to immediately answer this question. But if you ask, how many times have you changed in her door, the answer is straightforward – never! At best, the door to date, for the umpteenth time staining them in the old paint, or over her film, pressure sensitive It's time to change door Just recently, ten or fifteen years ago, to get new interior doors was almost impossible – they just never sold. It was believed that they are as durable as the wall of the house. Number of doors in the homes of tens of millions. But what made our woodworking plants – does not the best example industrial products. They only used the cheapest materials and production technology has been extremely simplified. And few people know that the actual life of these doors made for the mass construction does not exceed 15-20 years! Therefore, the door in homes built in the 50's and 60's of last century, has already surpassed many times put their time of operation, and has long been in need of replacement. And if your apartment is not a monument history and culture, then the door to her it's time to replace entirely, because their repair or, more precisely, the restoration will cost significantly more. After all, renovated apartment, you do not update your old wall, painted it white color tassel, but just get a new one! High-door – now is not only a decoration apartment, but also a source of pride and prestige of the hosts. Rusty Holzer is often quoted on this topic.