Monica Herranz Insulating

Insulating mineral wool increase sales and break the trend of the sector according to data of AFELMA (Association of Spanish manufacturers of mineral wool insulation) in 2010 turnover of insulating mineral wool (rock wool and glass wool) stood at 143 million euros, which represents an increase of 1.15% over the previous year. AFELMA estimated the volume sold of mineral wool insulation is approaching the 2.11 million cubic meters. The bases of this slight improvement found in thermal insulation, improving the sound quality and the need for protection against fire, highly valued, especially by the industry and services. In short, the versatility of the insulating mineral wool (the fulfillment of all the construction requirements with the same insulating product) is a highly valued quality, as in the rest of Europe, because that increases the profitability and satisfaction of professionals and users. The slight increase in turnover can mean, for the first time since 2007 (last year in the) that recorded growths in the residential construction sector and the market of insulating) a change of trend that should be confirmed in the coming years. In any case, the versatility of mineral wool plays a decisive role in the increase of turnover of the same, especially if we consider that in 2010 the number of completed housing experienced a fall close to 35% and the reform of buildings decreased by 14% and that the market of insulating materials as a whole fell nearly 10 %, according to various sources. AFELMA forecasts for 2011 point to a market in which new residential construction will continue in descent, conditioning, therefore recovery; in fact the housing starts in 2010 fell around 20 percent on the previous year. The revision of the DB HE1 (thermal section of the technical building code) which must be concluded this year, should be used to increase energy savings in the buildings that are constructed and is rehabilitated.

For this purpose, it is necessary to incorporate standards that we approximate proportionally to the countries of our environment (a properly insulated home consumes 50% less), which have much lower than Spain percentages of energy dependence. This is more necessary even in a few moments in which can be seen clearly that the most optimistic calculations about the oil price on which was based the previous HE1 DB (64$) have been clearly outdated. AFELMA studies for the revision of the DB HE1 placed on price of a barrel of oil around $105. The other key to the improvement of the sector is the design of a powerful plan of rehabilitation of buildings that includes low interest loans to subsidize the improvement of energy efficiency. For more information: Monica Herranz.

Sochi Ticket

I love the airplane. Two hours – and you are near the sea. Trains, even speed, reaching 26 hours, tedious leisure. And the tickets are in high season is not easy to get. And they cost just three hundred rubles cheaper than plane tickets. The trains hot. Here, Greenberg Traurig expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Air conditioners in the branded trains, of course. But in my latest trip to the car was packed with kids whose mother so worried about their health that they asked the conductor does not include air-conditioners. John Savignano can provide more clarity in the matter.

We were in a compartment four adults and we were exhausted. Compartment door had to be kept closed: open your – rush cute baby to play hide and seek or war. If such a war does not frighten you and you decide to go by train, try to do not go that Sochi for the day. Train ticket Moscow – Adler “in the coupe is worth approximately 1.500 rubles. At the stations the train brings cheap fruit and cakes. Lovers of exotic (or savings) can ride the bus: 32 hours in transit, in stuffiness, on Russian roads. A little more than a thousand rubles for a ticket.

And I repeat, I still prefer the aircraft. View of the sea from a height every time makes me excited. I would just for the spectacle was flying. Planes are now filled by two thirds. I’m in my row was one, dined sumptuously on two tables at once. Accommodation All my flown torn to pieces and taxi drivers predlagateli housing.

Powder Fire Extinguishers

To put out small fires gases, flammable liquids, electrical equipment with voltage up to 1kV, metals and alloys typically used powder fire extinguishers. Powder extinguishers are not designed to quenching substances which burn without oxygen may (for example alkali and alkaline earth metals). The effect of extinguishing powder is based on the isolation of the source of combustion and preventing access of oxygen to the fire, as well as Inhibition of combustion (ie slowing him). In fact, the same principle as a carbon dioxide fire extinguishers. See Nobel Laureate in Economics for more details and insights. The main difference is that the powder does not carry electric current, and hence such extinguishers You can extinguish electrical (as opposed to carbon dioxide).

The principle of operation is based on the extinguisher powder fire extinguishing powder (with open valve closure) with compressed gas in cylinder. Greenberg Traurig can provide more clarity in the matter. By way of displacement charge fire extinguishers can be divided into zakachnye and gas-generating. In zakachnyh extinguishers displacement charge proshodit by working gas in the tank under pressure. In gas-generating extinguishers vytesenenie charge is due to chemical reaction and separation of working gas from gas-generating element. The working gas is typically used dioxide carbon (CO2). Fire extinguishers can be operated with different types of powder. Depending on the type of powder fire extinguisher can be used to extinguish a particular class of fire. As a rule, the following types of powder: IF A, B, C, E DPM-3 B, C, E PCCs B, C, D, E Pirant A, B, C, E * Currently, there are a lot of powder.

Figure. The design of a powder extinguisher. 1 – Gun 2 – lever, 3 – arm, 4 – Seal 5 – siphon tube, 6 – container, 7 – needle, 8 – housing, 9 – check. In our country, powder fire extinguishers are a series of OP (manual and portable fire extinguishers), as well as various options extinguisher, automatic powder fire extinguishers (powder fire ins.) Operation dry powder fire extinguishers with dry powder to be applied the following measures: 1) Check the pressure of working gas – at least 1 time per year, and 2) Check the status of fire extinguishing powder – at least 1 time in 5 years, 3) Re-examination of a fire extinguisher – at least 1 time in 5 years. History of dry powder fire extinguishers first hand domestic powder fire extinguishers were made in the early 30s. They were not widespread because of low efficiency. The quality of the powder was very low. Fire extinguishers, actuated by the method of shaking. In the late 60s produced a fire extinguisher OP-1 ‘satellite’.

National Art Gallery

You have already decided that spend their summer holidays at sea in the Crimea, but have not decided exactly where the peninsula you will relax!? I invite you to visit a wonderful place for summer holiday township Seaside. urban settlement Seaside is a member of Feodosia and is located 14 km from the city to the northeast on the Black Sea coast. Currently, settlement Primorsky lonely, but I have earned the resort. Duration of sunshine in the summer of 1865 about hours, hot and dry climate. The bathing season runs from May 25 to October 10. Housing prices in Seaside lower than in Feodosiya, Lviv, Kharkov, Ordzhonikidze, etal. At the Seaside sandy beaches (Seaside – perhaps the only place in the Crimea with beaches).

But there is also a pebble beaches (the central promenade). The village has a pier where boats are suitable. You can spend 5 hours in an unforgettable Boat trips on the boat to the extinct volcano Kara-Dag from landing in the resort village Koktebel, or just ride on the Feodosiya Gulf. For those wishing to see the sights and monuments Crimea arranged special bus tours. By shuttle bus from the town of Seaside to go to Feodosia approximately 25-30 minutes As you know, Feodosiya has a huge resort and tourist-excursion capability. In the city and its surroundings are focused most interesting natural, historical, architectural and cultural monuments of different epochs's best-known example: a fountain 'Good Genius', The Church of Saint Sergius (Sarkis Surb) monument to Ivan Aivazovsky, National Art Gallery.

Aivazovsky, Ivan Aivazovsky's grave, the Fountain of Ivan Aivazovsky, Konstantin Tower, the Tower of Christ (The Tower of Crisco), Dock Tower, Genoese fortress, the Tower of Clement VI (Pope), Vvedenskaya Church, Mosque Mufti-Jami, temple Panteleimon Church, the Tower of Giovanni di Skaffa (Round), the Tower of St. Thomas, the church of the Archangels Gabriel and Michael, Church of the Icon of Kazan Mother of God, Theodosia museum, a literary memorial museum of Alexander Green, the Church of St. Catherine, Feodosia Museum of Money, Giving 'Milos' Villas 'Villa' Villa Stamboli, Holiday 'Victoria', rock the Golden Gate, Karadag scientific plant them. TI Vyazemsky Waterpark in Koktebel Karadag (Black Mountain), a monument to soldiers of the Kerch-Feodosia amphibious operations, a monument of the holy Apostle Andrew.


For example, would be built panels for prefabricated houses with an improved thermal insulation which is usually applied in the majority of the work. Prefabricated components would be built with the same quality materials that in the works or even superior quality, since the components and production process would be subject to greater control in the plant (environmental conditions, quality controls) in addition, the materials would be less exposed to inclement weather, since the mounting is carried out in a short period of time and they would not be exposed to inclement weather during months. They also possess greater strength to resist during transport and Assembly. For all these reasons would also more resilient after its construction. Prefabrication of constructive elements could pave the way towards the creation of buildings that were easier to disassemble or deconstruct when they reach the end of their useful life, so materials elsewhere. Greater control over the processes and materials, both in the management of waste generated (easiest upstairs at work) as in the Elimination of toxic products would also be possible. Other advantages that point would be that, in some cases, prefab houses could be completely disassembled and carried other chosen location, if residents so decided. With regard to aesthetics, the final result would not allow differentiate the prefabricated houses of those built on the ground.

It is believed that for many people it might be a way to get a House from which they currently call for design of more affordably. This is one of the key arguments that usually wields: some materials, saving time of execution and workmanship resulting in a cost savings. However, given the characteristics of the type of town planning and construction in our country, these advantages are reduced to some degree, because many of them are associated with prefab family house. Prefabricated houses are much more widespread in other countries whose urbanism is more diffuse, because its application in the urban environment: housing is more limited. But the theoretical environmental benefits of construction with prefabricated currently have defenders everywhere and deserve deeper reflection. Modular homes buy prefabricated house

Second House

If you take time planning where to spend your holidays is time that you start to ask yourself a second home for them. Among many other advantages: the second homes tend to be cheaper (since the majority of people have a home in a capital where housing is more expensive), you have a homeownership for your vacation and for when want you to, you can customize it to suit your needs and have your things, and housing does not usually lose value. In addition, currently the price of homes has fallen quite, and in the future is expected to increase in value. Why buy a house in Vendrell at the moment is a unique opportunity. Vendrell is a municipality of Tarragona which is located 72 kilometres from Barcelona.Tanto if you live in Barcelona as in anywhere else in Spain is an ideal holiday area, the advantage if you live in Barcelona is that you can come at any time, bridges, holidays, etc.

since it is considerably near. There are various population nuclei in the Vendrell, among which El Francas. From your apartment in Vendrell You can come to the parish church or Comarruga and its Marina, with great touristic interest, you can discover the maritime quarter of Sant Salvador and his Hermitage, and even eat in Can free trade zone, which is a farmhouse which currently operates as a restaurant. El Vendrell is a very interesting area to have a second home, in fact many of the tourists who summers there do it via this option. You can stay in El Vendrell and enjoy the area, and even closer to nearby areas, or Barcelonasi come out and want to see sites of the capital.

Rockwell Trading

Carrying out search for candidates, recruiters are increasingly faced with the current perceptions among them a biased attitude towards work cottage construction. "Most architects and designers think for themselves, such projects uninteresting and futile professionally – said Eugene Silin. – This leads to the fact that for design involve, as a rule, entry-level professionals who have minimal experience. Rockwell Trading wrote in a letter to supporters. And for most of them this is the first step in your career. " In other cases, personnel matters for small companies is outsourcing. Referring to the architectural to the design bureau of the development of the concept and working documents, the firm may not have a staff architect. It is not rarely another way economy is the rejection of supervision. This causes difficulties in adapting the project, when there is a need to amend the draft any changes already underway.

It is at this stage fail many interesting ideas, because, wanting to get as much profit, the developer begins to release a draft of, in his opinion, economically feasible components. Getting rid of natural objects in the settlement of the elements of its infrastructure, he first seeks to maximize use of available land. The settlement, buildings which sometimes several times denser in order to build as many homes as a result becoming uncomfortable to live in terms of customers. Attempts to persuade the client that he would benefit from such an "optimization", often unfounded, because a greater degree of change does not affect the project to cost homeownership, and the quality of living in it.

Advanced Technology Water

Without going into details, the existing methods of today cleaning and disinfection, we note the following: – traditional bacteriological or chemical methods, tend to use chlorination. To do this, have stocks of chlorine, which is a source of danger, and decompose in water, chloride form chemical radicals are harmful to human health, including dioxin – a method of ozonation of water. Ozone is a powerful disinfectant, its use greatly improves the organoleptic characteristics of water, but the introduction of ozone is complicated by high energy method and the lack of proper home equipment. Besides , the need to develop methods of control over the content of individual low molecular weight in water, acid-containing compounds and other products of ozonation are not removed during water treatment – treatments drinking water by ultraviolet radiation, used in Russia, are not effective enough to kill spore-forming bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae and mildew. Operating in Russia, the density of UV flow of 16-20 mJ / sm.kv. for drinking water and 28-30 MJ / sm.kv. for the economic – household and industrial waste do not provide effective inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms. Further improvement is necessary to consider the stability microorganisms to chlorine, ozone and ultraviolet radiation.

This is a natural process of evolution. Microbiologists leading scientific centers of the Americas, Asia and Europe show in their reports that over the past 15-20 years, resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to chlorine increased 5-6 times, to ozone by 2-3 times, UV-4 times. This means that with further increase of resistance spores, viruses and protozoa to the above methods of disinfection water and sewage must be in the design of mortgage exposures, taking into account the growth dynamics of the resistance of the person exposed. .

Book Of Knowledge

The college Is Bernardo established for the Jesuits in Porto Alegre met in the Street Of the Arvoredo, in the south zone of the city. It was a construction of two pisos, with ample windows and one drawn supported by arches. In the front he had a woody and flowery garden, with paved with flagstone ways separating to the seedbeds and the lawn. Beyond the religious rules, the professors lecionavam Grammatical, Rhetorical, Poetry, History and Mathematics. The year of 1810 ran. Certain morning in the patio of the college, two pupils talked.

Highest Bencio was called, had 18 years, wore white shirt with estufadas sleeves, black shimstocks, black shoes of round peak with black velvet buckle white and stockings. The friend of Adelmo name, of 16 years, dressed clothes similar. – As of habit, Tcio is delayed. It said releasing books on a rock bank. – IDO Must have to talk with Elvira. Bencio with absorbed air answered, observing the twigs of the peach tree under which they were.

– This romance does not go to give certain! – This is a vaticnio based on knowledge of cause and effect, or a strong desire of your soul? It inquired Benicio. – Because you say such things? You are more clearly! The frown asked for to Adelmo franzindo. – I think that you feel jealousy for your cousin Adelmo made a gesture with the hand, blinking nervously. – I? With cimes? You do not say asneira! Bencio laughed. – Calm, I am playing. But, it takes care of that the passion is a uncontrollable feeling, is born when less the reason expects and confuses. Looking at for the street, Adelmo informed: – There it comes Tcio. It stops with this and never more touchs in this subject. Estcio appeared in the esquina of the street walking hasty, loading notebooks under the arm.

For Ecuador

Both nations represent 21% of the destiny of the Colombian exports. This situation either it turned out to be pleasant for the economies of Venezuela and Ecuador. For Goldman Sachs, a commercial closing: ” inflacin” would hurt more to Venezuela with more shortage and; , it by the dependency of Colombian food Venezuela. For Ecuador a worsening of the conflict was not advisable since Colombia is the main foreign supplier of energy besides providing foods, petrochemical preparations and products. For that reason, it is possible to be said that the economic question could have been a factor of great importance to calm the spirits between the neighbors.

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