Russian Residents

During the economic chaos occurring immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union, many residents of Russian cities had forgotten what it means to live in decent conditions. High-rises built decades ago, gradually wear out, but on repair them still can not raise funds in the budgets of different levels. But here's the first time in many years, in dealing with this problem there has been a shift in the patient: the federal program, implementing a "Foundation for Assistance Housing Reform ", apartment houses were finally repaired. However, very often the work are not held in full or in violation, as evidenced by complaints of perturbed residents. Certainly, resentment of owners we have, it is unclear else: why the question often raised after the completion of all work and signing their acceptance? Who, as neither the tenants, in front of which was carried out repairs should have been sound the alarm at the first sign of improper performance of the contractors of their obligations? Simple rules are not cheated – did not work: on this principle, there are many unscrupulous contractors. However, those who can most effectively control their work directly on the ground – tenants themselves directly concerned with quality of repairs – are often "bethink" only after its completion. As a rule, it becomes a cause numerous "public" scandals of recent times. "Before signing the acceptance residents the right to express all the claims about the quality of work performed. If the contractor can not meet them should be contact the management company or hoa "- said the mayor of Krasnoyarsk Pyotr Pimashkov in his address to the citizens.

New Puzzle Game

The new Eye & Eye puzzle game is created for those who are generally interested in online games that require decisions in which the use of logic and strategic thinking is needed. The concept of this free game looks much like the principles and the rules of the game of billiards. Echemos a brief look at the idea of this puzzle game. First of all you have a control panel that is necessary to manage targeting your goals. Your main goal is a human face located in the center of the screen is protected by different types of obstacles. To make it harder each level the player must not only static objects that are hiding our goal (for example the eyes of square shape) but also dynamic objectives as the yellow faces that appear suddenly and are going. Everytime you touch the face, that turns green, then red, and finally completely disappears from the screen.

When all the faces disappear, the screen illuminates with circles of colors. Your task is to think well and invent the best way to reach the hidden face bouncing the ball in the same way as if you were playing billiards. How you do it? Try to use your imagination and think carefully before executing shots because the number of your tests is limited according to the rules of the game. Remember that you can always go to see the results of your previous levels. Where the number of shots remaining is equal to zero, it restarts the level and try again. The game works with the left button of the mouse. The Eye & Eye puzzle game will be attractive for billiard amateurs who would like to practice the tecnnica of pocketing the ball without leaving apartment, and also for the players of online games that they like to solve the puzzle tasks based on logic to improve their skills in this regard.

San Francisco Javier

Vacations in Formentera are what it was hoping but has not been decided until now. Now I am only going to give some other reasons to him by which to go to Formentera and what to make to seat that idea. Once or it has landed via marine or aerial, it can go to the apartment of vacations that has rented to have the more independence and to live one more a family stay and if is near the port of Savin can go after Berbera, enjoy this wonder and go later to one of the near coves, as it can be Saona Cove. The town of San Francisco Javier or Sant Francesc Xavier is the following one to the Savin that is about 3 km, so the church construda like strength in century XVIII in the times can be made a shutdown, be seen in which the pirates attacked the island and to take something or to eat in one of the restaurants and to throw a look to the commerce. Near Sant Francesc Xavier are the flour mills of sa Vantage point where it is possible to be enjoyed a panoramic one of the island. Also it can visit the Chapel of Sa Beautiful Tanca, a small vault without ornamentations, construda in honor to Santa Maria, were constructed in century XIV. Formentera is much more, is only necessary to discover it.

Piece Shelving

Rack shelf – this type of shelving is ideal for storage and warehousing of various types. Shelving rack is a structure that consists of three main elements: shelves, frames (Vertical bar) and the beam or pivot bearings. The most common and useful equipment for warehouse, shop, office shelving racks are. They allow efficient use of space, arrange a convenient, intuitive, systematic storage of various goods, finished and semifinished products, packaged products and entire shipments. Suppliers and manufacturers offer different types of shelving racks: the professional and personal, special (retail & industrial, office, archive and exhibition) and universal. Shelving racks are made for professional storage and for hand installation of small goods.

Can be packaged and designed to accommodate various groups Piece goods and products, audio-video equipment, household appliances, clothing and footwear, books and stationery, etc. Some contend that Nobel Laureate in Economics shows great expertise in this. The biggest popular with consumers enjoy the versatile shelving racks. This type of shelving is widely used in warehouses and back rooms, from industrial and commercial sites, archives, files and libraries. Universal racks are ideally suited to interior rooms and office workers. They can be used in virtually all types of facilities pantries, garages, workshops, living rooms.

They fit perfectly into the Interior of modern apartment and allow optimal use of space in the hall, dressing room and other rooms. Stainless steel, galvanized metal, and metal, painted corrosion by a special polymer paint used to provide durability, reliability and durability of the shelving racks. Depending on the permissible uniformly distributed load per shelf there are three main groups of Duty: light, medium duty and reinforced (heavy duty). The height shelving polochnyk mozhgut be different – from 1 m to 4-5 m. At present the market offers a wide range of shelving racks: single-stage and multi-tiered, with short and long spans, single-and multi-one-and two-sided, modular and even oblique. An important advantage of the many types of shelving is shelving the ability to quickly and easily change their configuration, adjust the height.

Argentine Atlantic

While to plan a trip to the Caribbean is you must have $ (when not euros) in his pocket, according to data from the agencia de viajes, vacationing abroad will be much more convenient to do it in local tourist destinations, is worth say, Argentines. By more ridiculous as it seems, at the time of compare and decide the fate of the upcoming holidays, the Pocket is affected less by choosing, for example, a beach paradise in Cancun. This is due to the strong increase in the rates that will be handled in the Argentine Atlantic coast this summer as a result of the increase in the inflation rate registered in our country. Thus, according to estimates, a family type composed of four people will need around 20,000 pesos for 15 days at the beach. For example, a tent in full season in Playa Grande or in Punta Mogotes, two of the favourite destinations for tourists, will cost from $6,500 to $8,500 (i.e., approximately $2,000).

The data are not to Nothing best in story to the accommodation. Renting an apartment for a fortnight will be above $5,000. If it is thought that for example there are hotels in Cancun from 50 dollars a day, the accounts are unnecessary. Finally, food calculates that the average spending in the Argentine Coast will be around the $200 daily per person. At the same time, appear deals with that by $1200 take you to Cancun with packages all inclusive and in first-line Hotels. Ultimately, this year the Argentine Coast vacation will cost approximately 115% more than do in the Caribbean.

For some it is a sort of return to the past, after so many ups and downs, vacationing abroad has once again become something more than possible just as it happened in the era of the one. Many nostalgic are more than happy with this situation, which is not repeated for hoteliers and gourmet of the Argentine tourist destinations. Just as in the 1990s, a vacation in the Caribbean package returned to the scope of a class family media that works and saves all year to reach your precious holidays. Since the departure of convertibility, back in 2001, the relationship between vacation in Argentina and do it in the Caribbean was almost 2.4. In 2007 this relationship was already in half and is currently negative.

Dutch Painting

One of the activities of our company is a decorative painting of walls and ceilings. Artists of our firm raspishut elements of the interior of your apartment, country house, public space, bring your ideas or offer their own stories. The theme of artistic murals can be a variety of visual images, from realistic images to classic paintings of Italian or Dutch stories, photos or collage of pictures. In the painting of walls and ceilings are a great success and decorative ornaments, paintings, framing the volume elements of the classical architecture. Murals can be applied to an already finished room because the process does not produce dust and dirt.

The mural is resistant to moisture and light. The image can be applied to practically all types of wall surfaces and have any dimensions. In the wall murals can be used not only traditional oil and tempera paints, but also modern acrylic and other compounds with the addition of mother of pearl, Fluorescent. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Greenberg Traurig. For classical murals widely used technique of "aging of" surfaces and equipment wall paintings "obmanok" – clever imitations of realistic images. Murals can not only decorate the space, but also design it visually change the shape and size. Want to hide the protrusion, push the window, raise the ceiling to extend the room? All this can be done without resorting to redevelop, just a brush and paints.

The talent and professionalism of the master will make disappear the wall, and in its place a window overlooking the the sea surface, alpine meadows, streets of Paris or the mountains. Ceiling heights in vzmetnetsya azure sky, and a bulky protrusion will air figured whatnot. Only the skill of the artist will make a picturesque image as realistic as possible. Therefore, when choosing a performer in this technique is especially important to pay attention to the experience and realized the studio. Painted walls should be perfectly inscribed in the interior of the premises, and exterior painting should be done taking into account the architecture of the building. A grave error that painting the walls and ceilings applied only to a classic design, dispelled many successful works in other styles. Modern high-tech, strict minimalism, art-deco styled, colorful eclectic organic accommodate artistic painting the walls. Our designers can offer various options for color, plot and process original solutions for your project. The combination of artistic painting walls and ceilings with other elements of decor – decorative plaster, stucco, decorative panels, exclusive furniture – would help create harmonious with stylish design. Our creative team are masters of various disciplines. We can organize the entire process from design to project all the design works. Art education, experience work and talent of our designers, artists, decorators confirmed by dozens of successful operations. Any kind of work we are beginning an acquaintance with the interior, we find out its purpose, features, customer requirements, planning premises. Then, the designer offers ideas and creates thumbnails. Following the approval of the selected thumbnail, begins execution of cardboard is on the wall where customers can see a picture of the future composition of wall paintings. After approval cardboard pattern is transferred to the wall and begin to master the execution of the paintings in color. Paintings by a qualified master. An important role in getting the desired result is correct preparation wall surfaces and the use of high-quality, proven materials. In our work we use only safe and durable materials, having all the necessary certificates. Fiction wall-paintings, executed with talent and skill, will give any room a unique harmony and mood.


If not yet you have plans for your free days in this winter, in this article we propose different tracks to you from ski in the Pyrenees. In Spain has many and well-known tracks of ski, like track of ski of the Pyrenees Aragonese, Jaca, where you will be able to enjoy so much the ski as of the great Cultural Patrimony composes that it, like the City council of Jaca, where you will be able to visit its great cover of plateresco style. Rent apartments in Jaca, also you will enjoy its spectacular churches, the points of contact of the pilgrims that year after year realise the Way of Santiago, the San Miguel Bridge pertaining to century XV, its majestic considered Cathedral one of monuments of more important Romanesque style of the art in Spain, etc. The two great tracks of ski of Jaca are Astn and Candanch, with a distance of 33km one of the other. Astn is in a location privileged in a cross-sectional valley the Pyrenean axis, reason why it is protected of the wind currents. For other opinions and approaches, find out what John Savignan has to say. Also it has slopes covers with natural grass, which increases the security of snow from the start of season. Their tracks are: 5 green, 16 blue, 23 red and 10 blacks.

On the other hand, Candanch is located in the birth of the Aragon river and next to the Port of the Somport, border with France. One is the older ski resort of Spain. It has 10 tracks verdas, 12 blue, 19 red ones, 12 blacks and 5 of basic ski. But what you look for is to ski outside Spain, we very far propose a very good alternative to you for not irte, and is Andorra that has 2 great known tracks of ski like Vallnord and Grandvalira. Thanks to rent in Andorra you will be able to enjoy these precious tracks of ski. Vallnord is a station mainly of alpine ski, is the result of the fusion of the old ski resorts of Pale Mountain Park and Ordino-Arcals. It has 7 tracks black, 27 red, 22 blue, 10 green and 6 tracks of slalom.

The sectors of Pale do not have direct connection with the sector of Ordino by circuit of ski nor by telecabina or cableway, whereas both first they are united via cableway. The option of rent in Andorra it also enjoys Grandvalira, a ski resort mainly of alpine ski also, and is greatest of Andorra. It has access from 6 different cities: Encamp, Canillo, the Tarter, Soldeu, Grau Roig and Pas of the House. It has 19 blue green tracks 39, 30 red and 24 blacks. In addition, it owns 4 snowpark, 3 zones adapted to the Freestyle and a track of basic ski. As you observe, it is not necessary to go very far to enjoy the snow, the Pyrenees offer everything to you what you look for at the time of practicing these sports and activities related to the snow.


Ever happened that you’re with a really beautiful woman and you want to tell her that she is beautiful but you don’t want to sound trite as all others who have told him the same thing, i.e. really want to do a before and an after that phrase; But even though you efforts don’t you think something that can fulfill that role. Well I present some phrases that have worked and mad women again or will at least make them laugh and you can use them to start something, after capturing the idea you can devise your own sentences. Do I not conquered, I do that they are held before me Casanova only need to have courage, strength without self confidence is useless Casanova I was gay before conocerte anonymous are occupied today at 3 in the morning? Hey anonymous! Do something you forget! and when she ask what? respond you: me! My name is Bond. James Bond! I am new to the city. Could you give me some addresses as your apartment? Don’t move, so I can link you! Wow! You have to put something else later, but simple it can be fun to throw.

Well I will be honest, none of these phrases to conquer will really work, they work only if then clearly shows that you were joking & you use your confidence in yourself to start a real conversation, or if you manage to start something different. For example, after saying a of these phrases mean something as: handsome than all the men who have Treaty of flirt you tonight have said something and thereafter give him something no one else has given you. What works when you are going to talk about are these basic points: originality: to always hear the same tired them and bores them, you’ll only be one more if you use the same. Freshness: don’t miss the freshness of your words always using the same phrases even if they are your own and original, if you always use the same phrases will be noticed in your tone of voice. Confidence in what you’re saying: If you don’t trust what you’re saying she It will not do so, and from the beginning already not you can advance much. Analyze it to know what to tell you: example of how not to do it: cute shoes and she responds: are sandals!.

Just pay attention to how you saw, how it moves, what sight and pays attention to her body language. Keep a fun tone even when you’re seriously: you’re basically a gallant and a ligator, trusts that, post your jokes or your ideas for making her laugh but that leaves you natural, why you’re serious or at least does not expose a stupid smile to every thing you say. If you know how to apply these points you can say whatever you want and it will work better than any of the other phrases to conquer corny that I presented before. If you want to read more about this topic, visit my blog with posts varied on how to seduce women: click here original author and source of the article.

Looking For Hotel In Mendoza

The province of Mendoza has a network of hotel infrastructure in constant growth and expansion. A network that includes all styles and profiles of travelers needs. As good land of diversity, with sights to the length and breadth of its entire territory, Mendoza offers the visitor, through their accommodation, the necessary comfort for an unforgettable stay. Without a doubt, there is a hotel in Mendoza to please the wishes and needs of every visitor. San Rafael, for example, offers traditional, such as departments or central hotels accommodations, and others in tune with its spectacular natural scenery.

Thus, those who wish to spend your stay next to the dam of El Nihuil dam or Lake Valle Grande, with its varied offer of sport activities and tourism adventure, can opt to campsites, cabins or aparts. Malargue proudly wears its Crown Jewel: the valle de Las Lenas. One of the most important ski centers in the country, famous for the variety and quality of its tracks, the valle de Las Lenas attracts to athletes and fans from all over the world. Your hotel offer, in keeping with the importance of the place, love for quality, originality and luxury. Already traditional place, its hotels with names of signs of the Zodiac has deservedly what what each hotel in Mendoza sucks: satisfied visitors who return again and again. But accommodation in Las Lenas options are not exhausted at the traditional hotel in Mendoza City. This incredible province always holds a surprise. In this case, in the form of the imposing Villa Capricorn, apartment complex Canadian style located in the heart of the Valley.

With direct access to all tracks, Villa Capricorn invites to live a unique experience of luxury and comfort, that combines the privacy of an apartment with the services of best hotel category. Mendoza Capital has a selection of so broad that it is possible to find there from economic hostels to luxury hotels five star hotels. Find hotel in Mendoza Capital ideally is inclined to those located in residential neighborhoods, but few minutes from downtown, as it is the case with Executive Hotel Park Suites. This luxurious four stars, located so close to the bustling activity of the Centre as the rugged beauty of parque San Martin, ranks every day as one of the main references in Mendoza City luxury accommodation. Original author and source of the article.

Digital Time Code

A powerful CPU Arm9 this video server generates a high quality image and transmits it over the network in real time with a resolution of 720×576 pixels and at 25 k / s, which conforms to Full D1 PAL. Depending on the bandwidth parameters of video from STS-IPT160 may vary, and the setting can be done automatically or manually. STS-IPT160 can connect simultaneously to the LAN and WAN networks over a two-port Ethernet 10/100Base-T. To send video computer operator at the monitoring system is recommended to use a network LAN, which has a large bandwidth. For remote viewing of video server remote users should be use the network WAN. At the same server protocol support PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) provides a minimal delay, high speed data transfer and allows you to connect the video server to the network via a cable modem or ADSL-line. For connecting to equipment monitoring system that a single-channel video server has a composite video camera surveillance and a video output, through which STS-IPT can connect to the DVR or monitor. In If you use the dome telemetry signals are transmitted through RS-485 ports, RS-422 or RS-232, and two RJ45 connector server is connected to the network LAN / WAN.

STS-IPT160 quick to respond to alarm events, and uses several mechanisms reactions to them. Upon receiving an alert from one of the security sensors or integrated motion detector video server can send pre-and posttrevozhnye frames specified in the FTP-server, and also include external actuators (the external source of lighting, siren, etc.) through its TTL alarm outputs. For the real-time video server supports network mechanism QoS (Quality of Service), which adapts the video stream from the STS-IPT160 under bandwidth depending on the configuration settings of video. High-speed video transmission over the network video server supports by using the mechanism streaming SoC with features 802.1pQ, which allows you to transmit video packets faster packet TCP / UDP. Guarantee the authenticity of recorded video to export to video "Watermarks." For the video server uses the Digital Time Code, which leaves all frames of watermarks, which can determine the exact date and time when the frame was received. The package includes STS-IPT160 free software IP Control Center or NVR 2.0 to create surveillance systems to 16/32 channel.

This software supports simultaneous viewing from the server to "live" video on all channels with simultaneous audio soundtrack as well as recording and playback of audio and video in MPEG-4. New video series servers STS-IPT160 have already arrived in the Russian market and their retail price, recommended by the manufacturer, is 495 USD, including VAT. For more information on the new video server, as well as 2 – and 4-channel server Smartec contact by email or by phone (495) 787-3342 to manager of sales "ARMO-Systems", which is the exclusive distributor of equipment Smartec in Russia and CIS countries, or in regional offices, "Armo" and dealers of Smartec. Under Smartec brand name a full line of equipment to create classic and IP-based surveillance of any shape and complexity. The product line includes analog cameras (black and white, color and "day-night), IP-cameras, varifocal lenses dome cameras, DVRs, LCD-monitors, video servers, camera housings, brackets and video transmission device via fiber optic lines.