
With the deposit, security should be given the landlord it is customary in Germany that a deposit will be the landlord of tenants for rental housing. This deposit is to reassure the landlord, that claims even after the official rental period and after the lease of the tenant no longer flow, be balanced can. While the German law of tenancy but foresees strict rules for deposit when renting a home, however. It is both bail upwards and capped as also will the landlord provided, what he has to make with the deposit while the stock of the lease. The landlord is not allowed to use the security deposit for their own purposes or to mix with own funds. The tenancy law instead requires the landlord, that he the amount of money he receives from the tenant, has to get to a Bank and lay at a normal interest rate has.

The interest obtained on this facility are also not the landlord, but belong to the tenant. You are but not in him paid, but increase only the safety of the landlord. At the end of the lease the lessee receives the full amount of money along with the in the meantime accrued so by the landlord, if no claims of the lessor are more unclear, for which the deposit serves as a security. The amount the landlord may require maximum three times of the monthly rent from the tenant. A higher deposit is required by the landlord, you can politely but firmly oppose having regard to the applicable law of tenancy.

It should be every landlord be aware but that also a rental security doesn’t even begin to compensate for the damage that a tenant can potentially inflict over three months rent. You must imagine alone, what happens if the tenants of overnight stops rental interest payment. The lessee will speak out while the termination without notice him in this case, but that does not mean that the tenant actually leaves the apartment. The tenant may rather even months after the Termination at the home remain. Then, nothing else remains the landlord to work harder as an eviction at the competent local court. Usually he will need a lawyer for this, which it in turn costs money. Has he then obtained a ruling vacating the title, he must make an advance even the bailiff for the evacuation of the apartment. Not rarely the clearance costs several thousand euro alone. And for all of these additional costs including lost rental, the landlord there at the end with a deposit of three months rent.

Michael Angele

Amtsgericht Hamburg-Altona in his judgment of the 14.02.2012 – 316 C-275/11 any use of an apartment through extensive illicit cultivation and use of cannabis is an important reason for the termination iS of 543 paragraph 1 sentence 1 BGB dar. The main tenant must leave BGB attributable to the fault of his subtenant in accordance with 540, para. He is liable for the negligence of the sub-tenant as for the fault of his own. Thus, the District Court of Hamburg-Altona in his judgment of the 14.02.2012 – ruled 316 C-275/11. In this particular case, the tenancy was since 1990.

The tenant had sublet from April 2009 the apartment. The lodger illegally grew cannabis plants in the home. During a police search of the House was found next to the plants of many technical devices intended for the cultivation of cannabis, as well as sales-ready packaged marijuana. The landlady announced the tenant then without notice, that is without having issued a previous warning, recalling the drug cultivation, said the tenant without notice, that from the activities of this Subtenant had no knowledge. The AG comes to the conclusion that any use represents an important reason also to immediate termination of the main lease the apartment by the lodger as a result of the extensive illicit cultivation and consumption of cannabis in balancing the interests of landlord and tenant. According to the decision of the District Court, it is not that the offence was committed not by the tenant, but her lodger, as the (main) tenant attributable to the fault of their sub-tenant is must. This in turn has resulted in that the main fault of the sub-tenant just like for the fault of his own shall be liable for.

In addition to the reported negligence of the tenant is the interests to be taken into account also the legitimate interest of the lessor, the dangers to protect against their other tenants and especially children living in the House and youth, which emanate from the cannabis cultivation in the leased object. The tenant could itself, however, does not claim that the Excerpt of the subtenant, who was responsible for the cultivation of cannabis, termination so that in hindsight has been dropped. Terminates with the termination of the tenancy and this also a subsequent conduct of the lessee changes nothing.The AG continues that a warning was here exceptionally expendable, because the trust was already completely destroyed and also by binding behavior in the future no longer could be restored. Note: The opinion of the AG of Hamburg-Altona is quite understandable in relation to the cultivation of cannabis in the apartment for rent the thing after. The signatory is noticed but in the past frequently, that the lease agreed from the outset the consumption of cannabis as a major reason for termination. If this clause is lawful, is questionable and will require further consideration and decision. Lawyer Michael Angele, Trier

Energy Transformation

BWE Conference wind energy project planning shows opportunities for productive cooperation between authorities, authors, and property owners, regional and local planning communities provide a Herculean task currently, with the creation of regional and land-use plans to speed up the development of wind energy. The official representatives of several federal States on the BWE Symposium onshore showed this wind energy project planning. Over 90 participants gathered from 16 to 17 October 2012 in Hamburg to discuss current topics, such as regional planning, repowering, and wind in the forest. Especially the lecture of the federal countries initiative, which represented the strong efforts to unify an approximation of the various wind energy requirements in the provinces, such as the spacing recommendations, if not to approach, even met with positive response. In the course of the Symposium, the focus is on the lease fell: A contract after the possibility of a successful cooperation of Land-use planning, property assurance and acceptance measures results. Against this background Jann Berghaus held member of the Legal Advisory Board of Bundesverband wind energy, a remarkable presentation with specific instructions for the design of such a contract.

As his portrayal of the currently usual lease heights in the wind power industry was enlightening. The discussion between speakers and audience quickly revealed the divergent interests of wind energy authors, municipalities, land owners and operators. Accordingly unanimously expressed the view that acceptance of measures, already now very widely used in the wind industry, must be continued. The planning and also financial aspects of wind energy will be continue on BWE events represented by experts and discussed: Conference on financing and direct marketing 8-9 November 2012 Dusseldorf > program: seminar events onshore wind energy – financing and – direct marketing Wind park project planning phases of planning, funding and approval 15-17 January 2013. Berlin > program: events-windpark-project planning planning phases financing and-approval 2 WindEnergie leading Federation regular networking and training events on current topics of wind energy through. Information about the registration and the complete event program of the BWE, see events contact: Thorsten Paulsen, head of events & corporate publishing Bundesverband WindEnergie e.V.

Animal Husbandry

May the landlord due to a contractually prohibited animal husbandry, for example dog ownership terminate? What is the legal situation if the rental agreement generally prohibited livestock, but the tenant feels the need to keep a pet? May the landlord due to dog ownership terminate? May the landlord because a cat owned by the tenant terminate? What is to be done when the lease although allows livestock to the tenant wants to keep but throughout many of his beloved animals? First of all, it’s on the provisions in the lease. This allows the animal husbandry, the lessee to note nevertheless a certain boundaries. A tenant holds about 15 cats in his apartment, then also still constantly running around in the community garden, the landlord can terminate the tenancy after previous unsuccessful warning or complain to refrain from. For the reason of termination depends on it, as fellow tenants are burdened by the animal husbandry. Not every burden but a reason for termination.

5-6 cats will probably be allowed, but not if the cats out for some reason the fellow tenants charge. The lease contract prohibited livestock, a holding of dogs and larger animals such as a Kinkajou is prohibited. Pets must be kept on the other hand always even when explicit prohibition in the lease. The common wording in leases, that the holding of all domestic animals is not permitted, is ineffective. Small animals include cats, birds and other animals of similar size. If the tenant However despite ban keeps a big dog, the termination of the tenancy may probably only then, after previous unsuccessful warning if the landlord has complained previously to refrain from. A tenant who continues despite lost injunctions to his best friend, will probably have to move out. Determines the lease, that the attitude of an animal depends on the consent of the lessor, the lessor may refuse consent only for factual reasons.

Specialist Attorney tip tenants: be the kind and number, upon conclusion of the rental agreement of permitted animals specifically from. Ensure that the animals you disturb anyone as possible. A consent of the lessor is required and this denied approval, you should get better no Doberman and instead a Dachshund settle. Specialist Attorney tip landlord: If you want to prevent a dog ownership, you use a clause in the lease that expressly regulates this. Warn a tenant who keeps animals in illegal way, before you take further measures about a termination. Under certain circumstances, an injunction of a termination is preferable. Some courts see the termination due to unauthorized animal husbandry as ineffective, because the landlord first should have taken with an injunction. Seek advice before saying a termination of a professional. A post by lawyer for rental and property law Alexander polymath and lawyer Dr. Vadim Belyaev shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Attila Fodor, Berlin Potsdam: Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 33, 14469 Potsdam Tel. (030) 4 000 4 999 E-mail:

CPI Time

It is a real paradox assess the trajectory of the national minimum wage established in the various countries at a time like the present. We have the decision taken by the Government in Spain, through which the national minimum wage was fixed for 2011 at 641,40 euros per month, an increase of 1.3%. SMI and evolution of economic variables rise that far from 3.6% in which the CPI stood at the end of March. And not to forget that, for the first time, you consider the CPI, the economic crisis and productivity in Spain. A rise of 21,28 euros a month involving a loss of purchasing power of more than 30 euros if compared with 50 euros yearly monthly – 600 – which have risen mortgage payments after closing the euribor in a percentage higher than 2% in the month of March. The rise in the national minimum wage in the current economic scenario, aims to balance the distribution of wealth as well as to minimize the impact of the different measures of austerity imposed by the Government, they have had the purchasing power of society.

The national minimum wage rises and does so with the promise of placing at 800 euros in 2012. Chile and Spain, shortening distances Spain not consolidated as an optimum example, although it is even more ironic assess the situation that exists in countries such as Chile. A perspective as part of the new paradigm that surrounds the country and that places it as a new power world, an emerging economy, and without a doubt, one of the economies with best economic projections at the present time.

History Of Bubble Plastic

Colloquially known as plastic bubble bubble wrap – is flexible plastic is used for the packaging of fragile or sensitive items to suffer damage. The work of bubbles is cushioning the blows, the material is manufactured with bubbles of different sizes, bubbles size depends on the item that you want to pack. There are different types of bubble plastic, for packaging articles you want, if you want to package electronic items will be best if you use anti-static plastic to ward off lightning. In other occasions is also used as a thermal insulator. For many people buy bubble wrap is a distraction since it works as de-stressing therapy, or simply to relax. The invention of bubble plastic has 52 years of life which has meant a great step forward in the transportation industry, packing large small and large scale also has become an important icon of modern culture. The plastic of bubbles was created by Mac Chavannes and the fielding. It is said that it was created from the vision that had bubbles to see the clouds as they went on an airplane.

As the country is known as to the bubble wrap, some named it air sealing, plastic – bubble, poliburbuja, sealed air, among others. Generally sold per roll of 30 cm x 3 m and its cost per meter does not exceed $25, you can get it on stationery or stores specializing in packaging material. Plastic bubble is achieved in places where selling packing materials and packing, usually sold in rolls and there are different types of thicknesses as well as sizes of bubbles. The real estate sector, transportation, industrial, electrical and construction are those who have benefited from the use of bubble wrap. With information from group Flecipol

Partner Need Real Estate

“Senior residences must offer more than just levels of free floor plans,” say Boris Vetter and Heiko Sabunwala. In the interview, refer position to the current range of housing for senior citizens. And they tell you what really matters. Vetter & partners is known as a senior real estate specialist. What makes you to experts in this field? Boris Vetter: Our residences are tailored to the needs of residents, cities and municipalities to senior-friendly accommodation. No residence is like the other. We know the wishes of the interested parties and take them into account consistently in our construction projects.

Our company already on the market is over 25 years, 12 years, senior real estate is our core business. Our team has experienced in residences of different sizes and in different locations to realize. Heiko Sabunwala: in addition, independent experts consider the living environment and the infrastructure of the future residence already in the planning phase. Only when the optimal conditions are, will start with the construction. What distinguishes your residences from the others on the market? Boris Vetter: Where stop many other providers, we start only.

It is not enough to equip a residence with a lift, to offer a community space and then “senior” overexposed to put the stamp. Our residences are really meet the demands of the residents. In addition to the usual requirements as a barrier-free plan, elevators or walk-in shower trays, we have the lifestyle of the residents in mind. What does that mean? Heiko Sabunwala: our residences offer high comfort the residents. The standard video intercom, parquet floors, electric shutters, balcony and terrace. Many details can be designed individually. The spacious common areas like room with fireplace, library, Spa and well-maintained grounds are a special highlight. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX on most websites. The modern condos are interesting also for workers aged 50 and over. Our residences are no retirement or nursing homes.

Adopt Cats Cats

Generally, people prefer dogs as pets for their intelligence and obedience show joy at seeing us. Others mistakenly want "exotic" pets at home, except that it is often illegal, are introducing the animal in an environment that does not belong and can suffer trauma, stress and die easily. But not many think to adopt cats, because they are more "cool" and independent, but brings many benefits to adopt cats that people do not recognize. Obviously, for people who are allergic to anything is not recommended to adopt cats or dogs, but most people do not know that there is a breed of cat has no hair!, So it causes no harm to people allergic and want to have pets in addition to removing the worry of having to clean the furniture or clothes left by the animal hair. Adopt cats of this breed is highly recommended for those with young children at home. But, because the adoption, the answer is simple. People are idea that a dog on the street would starve in short order, but cats can fend for themselves in the city. For a cat who has lived in the street all his life is possible, but for those cats "home" who have owned and food always available, it would be like if a man left alone in the jungle.

Adopt cats is one way to help these animals who have been abandoned, the orphaned kittens or perhaps one who has lost and suffered an accident. Adopt cats that love is to give the kitten (or any animal) needs, after spending an "ordeal." It is so difficult that the adoption is first important to know where is going to adopting cats, that is, quality has, if possible seek recommendations from that place and always ask to see the facilities where they have them. Second, before adopting cats, you need to watch your character, personality is and what is the best it can adapt to possible new home. If you are a restless, mischievous cat is not recommended for apartments. There are others who do not tolerate children and others who are shy, then you need to know to give them their space and time to be prudent to accommodate all the smells and new objects. Adopt cats can be a great experience if you follow these rules and if fully informed. Another advantage is that adopting cats indicated a reduced expenditure of money or no money, but still have to take a thorough veterinary occasionally and apply all vaccines, as the most certain is that the cat before he lived in the street and you may have some bacteria or parasite.

After adopting cats, 1, 2, or 10, must be borne in mind that cats, by nature are independent, live alone and only found with other cats to breed. Therefore, if there are more cats in your neighborhood, be careful and do not leave much time outside, as at risk of being hurt, attacked or killed by another cat defending its territory. Adopt cats is the same as buying them or raising them. Not because I have lived on the street means that they can continue to survive there.

The Real Estate Crisis Of U.S.A

The globalization in them placed all in one same boat. One barcoa grace of storms and economic tides. The interdependence of the mercadosmundiais creates a effect butterfly many times devastador in economies quedependem almost that exclusively of the international investments and spirits. The real estate crisis of U.S.A., obligator subject emnoticirios economic, generates a moving environment in the macroeconmicanacional structure. We are affected without the least to know what it reached in them. The objective desseartigo is to elucidate some points that will help in the understanding of this fenmenointernacional. With the great depression initiated in 1929, the world knew umvilo created by ' ' hand invisvel' ' of the market defended for AdamSmith, the economic Contraction. Since then, nothing it scares more odesenvolvimento of a economy that a deceleration generalized in the consumption.

In 2001, after the terrorist attempted against ones of 11 of September, U.S.A. had been beira of a crisis. The Americans had reduced the consumption drastically, leading president George W. Bush to divulge an official notice to naoconvidando them it the purchases. In the same period the Federal one Reserves, bank centralnorte-American, lowered significantly the basic tax of interests. It mercadoreagiu it to these measures and the result was a great opening in the lines decrdito real estate, also to the people who if fit in subprime, clientesque does not have a proven income and possesss an insolvency description. The group of customers subprime, offers to one high risk deretorno of capital and had to this they pay interests that arrive up to 12%. Wanting to noarcar all with the involved risk in this real estate transaction, them headings in the market with intention financeirasabrem to advance expirations, such ttulosso well accepted exactly on account of the high involved tax of interests. Brokers of investment buy the headings, generating one another capital to be emprestadopela financial, and repass the papers as investment proposal the seusinvestidores spread for the whole world.

The Majority

Passive income can be semi-automatic and fully automated. Semi-automatic are methods that require to build a fieldwork before the campaign can operate and begin to generate current income. This method requires solid base and full commitment at the very early stage. Failure to do this will result in a failure. semi-automatizada methods requires very small and, at times, almost free upfront costs. Some examples of this are blogs niche of banner ads, and link, comments from affiliates, broker of goods roots in line, members of e-commerce or personal store of e-commerce, etc fully automated methods refers as a method of lazy marketing. This system was perfected by their sellers for that to register and pay, that touch your data into it and start making money. The advantages are, you don’t have to worry about work because of configuration, installation and marketing.

This is due to these tasks is presented in the form of what they have already paid. Some examples of this are sites Web turnkey for ads banner and link, affiliate minisites, mailing lists electronic automated, turnkey sites of e-commerce, money making software as currency, membership sites, coaching training /, investments, etc creating a passive income can not make money, although the ultimate goal is to make money passively. When you create a passive income, which is creating a system that has no trade in money and time in the process of creating this system, you can spend more than it earns. Many people can not get past the idea of losing money before you make money. Therefore, that the majority of people cannot create your first line of passive income.

On the contrary, those who are lucky enough as to create its first passive revenue stream online will continue creating the current second and third current because they are accustomed to the idea of losing some money before you get everything again, multiplied. Another reason is because with your passive income established for the first time, your appetite for risk is higher and they are more willing to lose. The last reason is because they have more experience now. If you just starting out, go to find a job to earn money. But it wasn’t long in it. Take 3-5% of your monthly income and most of their free time to create a line of passive income. What it should be noted that even passive income, you can do from your home, you must not forget the responsibilities of being a citizen. Passive income is passive, it applies to all fully automated businesses, especially web-based. If you are who want to have their own business to complement its own income and family, then do not think more that this article is aimed at all those who believe in passive income.