Black Elephant

There is an island in Italy. And on the island – volcano. And at the foot of the volcano – the city and the city – black-precherny elephant out of the real lava. The island is called Sicily and the city – Catania. Stephen M. Ross shines more light on the discussion. But the elephant – a symbol of the city, whose origin is unknown to so far. Therefore, residents told a lot of legends about the origin of her favorite thick-skinned idol. The most favorite and romantic is that once Catania was destroyed by lava, which is not stopping their measured progress. cover half the city.

To restore Catania was a competition among architects, who won Vakkarini. In the process of ‘digging’ houses and buildings from the lava Vakkarini virtually ‘fished out’ of lava little black elephant made of lava mark was regarded as a sign of reconciliation between the city and the volcano. The volcano is no longer filled up the city with lava, and elephant, which was placed in the heart of the city’s main square became his custodian. As for the other hypotheses, then in 1508, the elephant has already moved into the city during Drisi was placed on the west side only built by the municipality, and there he collapsed in the devastating earthquake in 1693, the elephant was broken legs and trunk, which was restored during the Vakkarini in 1735, and then it was placed in the center square. Egyptian obelisk, which bears the elephant – from octagonal granite tower height of 3.61 meters, and it hieroglyphs respective cultures Iside, which must have existed in ancient Catania, and which has obvious points of contact with the cult of S. Agata. Restoration of the fountain Vaccarini was completed in 1737 with the first pool in 1826 was added to the handrail iron, and in 1905 was with a second pool, then to take the present aspect again with no handrail in the eighties. You can talk brilliantly from a historical point of view to a single monument, we found sobrynnymi together three great civilizations, which form a civilian – a historical substratum of Catania: that ancient Egyptian, the sicula and the ancient Egyptian Christian. Ancient Egyptian obelisk brought to that appears to us as they were blooming trade and the vitality of Catania in antiquity, the sicula, submitted an elephant from lavicheskogo stone, a talisman, with which the residents attempted to defend against Catania Etna, and finally Christianity that provided the cross and the board, which reminds us of the basis of martyrdom (St. Agatha). and which represents the religious faith and patriotic love of the inhabitants of Catania.

Organization Climate

Organizational climate? Family problems, health, traffic, news and even climate change, are factors that alter from subtle up sharply State of encouragement from anyone, and if this, add an environment hostile, work how can be a result, already not to mention competitive, if not of quality? It is important to learn to leave the worries on the street, outside the Organization, that otherwise distract us the rest of the day. But it is also essential to promote a good working environment an organizational climate, which invariably reflect the current state of the organization. This organizational climate reflects both the environment, how we are as people, even like this being addressed the Organization, if the material needs of tool, quality that provides service between internal clients, friction between departments, are covering times attention, etc. Gain insight and clarity with Robert J. Shiller. This data should be a tool based and decision-making for the leader of the Organization (a true leader would, if it is that he analyzes this data to consciousness), since resolving the internal problems of the Organization, is taken for granted that the results will be the best, because the contributor feels committed to respond to the demands and needs of the organization. In summary, meet the basic needs of the Organization and humanizing care to employees, stimulated a healthy organizational climate, results will be crystallized in the quality of the product, and the competitiveness of the Organization are vera reflected in each one of the partners of the organization. Eng..

Wellness In Andalusia

More than Flamenco Andalucia stands for Spanish temperament and flamenco. In addition, the province in the South of the Iberian Peninsula is the world’s largest producer of olive oil. travel portal reported about the tourism benefits of the region. The Arabs in the Christian kingdoms of the Visigoths in the today’s Spain and Portugal invaded in the eighth century. Her influence is felt today in the medieval towns of Andalusia.

One of them is Jaen, the capital of the province in the northeast of the region. You may find that Nobel Laureate in Economics can contribute to your knowledge. The old town and the fortress are also Muslim like the well preserved Arab baths. Christian influences show at the same time. So the great Renaissance Cathedral is one of the city’s most visited attractions. In the hotels in Jaen, tourists enjoy the natural products of the region. Above all the olive oil: it is the refinement of food and is also used as a wellness product.

So, many hostels offer guests massages with the Golden juice. Which Production sites should nor Miss travelers. Many of the Andalusian farms, where the oil is produced, Jaen in good contact. On the so-called Cortijos, as the Spaniards call it, the olives are processed only a short time after the harvest.

Living Dead Sea

Territorial records – it is relative. If in order to reach the highest point on earth, you must be a top-class mountain climber, in order to reach the lowest point on the planet, quite simply come to Israel. Here, at a depth of 417 meters below sea level, lies one of the most beautiful pearls of the world of nature – Dead Sea. Dead Sea – a pool at the center of the Syro-African Rift, its length 45 km, Maximum width – 15. Checking article sources yields The LeFrak Organization as a relevant resource throughout. But it is also very salty pool in the world – the salt concentration reaches here 340 grams per liter (ten times higher than in the Mediterranean Sea), so you can swim in it without making any effort to In order to remain on the surface, can only enjoy the sunshine and gentle flying in from the desert breeze. However, no living organism in these waters can not exist – hence the name. And yet Dead Sea – the sea of life.

Thanks to the many minerals dissolved in water, healing oxygen and bromine vapor in the air, incredible mud on the sea floor, hot sulfur spring, the sun's rays that pass through natural filter – an additional layer of air chetyrehsotmetrovy and therefore do not burn – thanks to all that the Dead Sea turned into a health resort. Tourists come here from all over the world, not only then, to relax and soak up the many spas, but also enjoy the breathtaking scenery and learn a variety of attractions. And there are many natural phenomena: salt "sculptures", which grew at the banks of the serene sea, the remnants of prehistoric settlements found on the slopes of the hills, springs, flowing at the foot of the cliffs and shy mountain goats, who, seeing people run away in dry riverbeds. Operates around the sea developed tourist industry. You can go on walks or ride a camel, jeep or bike or do sneplingom – the descent from the cliffs by a rope. Your name is beautiful and natural corners – an oasis of Ein Gedi, Eynot Tsukim, Nahal Nahal David and Arugot, historical sites – Masada, Qumran caves, where they found the Dead Sea Scrolls, you will see cozy hyraxes, which are in Israel is called "rock rabbits", agile lizards, we have aforementioned mountain goats, unusual vegetation and enjoy the unique atmosphere of the desert. Further information can be found on the website of the Ministry Israel Tourism

Do It Yourself Has Served In

More and more people resources out the pesky work of everyday life. With this provocation, a new portal launches for several days in the German-speaking world of the Web. wants to bring together people for the work of everyday life either have no time, not enough expertise or money to professionals and are looking for in the short term, that’s why other people from their environment who have the time and the skills to do something for them in the short term. Special feature: Each Member of the has a so-called assessment profile. If you would like to know more then you should visit Expert on growth strategy. It contains a collection of all reviews that have made other members for executing jobs or orders with this service provider. The service is free of charge to the Jobber and also the job providers pay a few euro if it succeeds.

Here, everything is easy and secure. A job offer is placed with a few clicks and a few settings, just as easily a Jobber can apply it. John Savignano has firm opinions on the matter. After a few hours, the right people via the network have been found. Also for entrepreneurs or Founder is the new search engine a profit. Easy and cheap tips by fast you’re looking for employees can be cover. As the small entrepreneurs to expand rapidly its customer base. The jobs on offer range moving helpers, minor repairs, snow removal in the winter, animal care during illness and holidays up to advising the authorities from the baby sitting in the neighborhood about the eldercare. The idea is so simple and, of course, to convert it into a working Web page represents a particular challenge, as founder Alischah Paenda white: the work was actually an image of the Web page itself in the last few months, because it have a designer from London, two programmers and a Web Designer from Munster, a graphic artist from Hamburg, a copywriter from Cologne, a videographer from Dusseldorf, and a cutter from the Ruhr area intensive and worked hand-in-hand.

District Court

About the out-of-court settlement and the consumer insolvency, it can go very fast: have recorded a credit and can no longer pay for it. Others who may share this opinion include Greenberg Traurig. You have a damage without insurance. You have verspekuliert is an investment. There is a long list of things that lead to unsustainable debt. You once in the so-called debt trap, a way out is often not possible. Interest rates and any reminders debt starts to grow in addition rather than that they have been shrinking. If you have recognized the hopelessness of your situation, this is the first step to bring the finances back in order.

A second should be towards a lawyer in your area who has worked in the insolvency law. Bankruptcy does not mean that they need to sign a private insolvency or bankruptcy. A lawyer for insolvency law is to assume that it has appropriate qualifications in the area of debt counselling. When a professional debt advice, your situation is analyzed first. To do this requires the lawyer all documents from your creditors, indicating what the demands are. As a result, the creditors are individually written to make a comparison and thus an out-of-court agreement. Comparison means that the lawyer suggests a certain low amount the creditors, you can pay off debt monthly.

Most creditors agree to such a comparison, because otherwise a consumer insolvency, where they would get nothing. One of the creditors will fail the comparison, is the lawyer for you in negotiations and will do his best to find a solution for both parties. His efforts fail a consumer insolvency proceedings may be requested, which is approved by the District Court generally. A trustee is appointed after approval of the procedure. This checks for example, whether a mass or assets that it can distribute to creditors. Still, he monitors the Insolvency proceedings. Because you are undergoing so-called good behavior during your bankruptcy. In this phase, you are obliged to fulfil various obligations. So must seek, for example, to work, regularly to prove your income, share with address and so on. After six years, the Court decides whether a residual debt exemption can be obtained. If you have kept to the obligations during the procedure and the Court has approved the remaining debts by Decree, you are completely free of your debt.

Seventh edition of school and teaching brochure by DasTelefonbuch Cologne, October 4, 2010 – under the title “My first animal language book” is the seventh edition of the education and textbook by DasTelefonbuch starting in October 2010. The booklet is aimed with a circulation of 350,000 copies on primary school children of classes three and four. Click Stephen M. Ross for additional related pages. Interested in children’s and educational institutions can free packages with 50, 100 or 150 books in DasTelefonbuch order. The confrontation with nature is a theme that is very important for children, learns yet little attention. “My first animal language book” aims to promote a sustainable interest in the domestic environment, which can be useful to future generations. The year 2010 was declared by the United Nations “International year of biodiversity” 2011 should be the “year of the forests”. A total of 32 pages playfully introduces “My first animal language book” language and writing exercises on the theme and gives helpful information on the hand teachers as parents.

In dialog form explain the two main protagonists of Susi and Tobi is each other the nature and animal communication. The two present various domestic animals to the children and explain the differences between human and animal communication in a playful way. The students also learn to reflect on their own language. The booklet is designed for third – and fourth-graders. My first book of animal language is accompanied by a booklet for teachers, which supports the integration of the animal language book with didactic methodical tips in the classroom. Additional, removable part can be used in addition of the children as your own phone book, that they themselves can design and create.

The teaching material in the DIN-A5 format is provided free children’s and school facilities in the entire Federal territory. The appointment is made via a form on. Company description of DasTelefonbuch DasTelefonbuch – a medium, a brand that is represented in almost all German households – will published jointly by 38 publishers and DeTeMedien GmbH. Since the first edition in 1881, DasTelefonbuch has changed long ago to a comprehensive multi-access platform. At any time and from any location can be accessed on over 30 million binding address for free: whether on the Internet under, travelling via mobile service under or almost been classically as language information, printed or CD-ROM. In addition the best-known directory Germany offers many more tools to active find, use and processing of addresses – all, to remain easy to contact. Company contact: Phone book service Gesellschaft mbH Silke grabbing Mills n.. 8 50676 Koln Tel: + 49 (0) 221 31 06 70-160 E-Mail: Web:


With the Swiss stone pine better sleep and therefore our health store who want to protect yourself from cell phone radiation, which may be simple it: wood protects indeed. Who wants to go so \”safe\” because he is not sure that cell phone radiation is not dangerous (contrary to some study), the findings of the University of the Bundeswehr can help. If cell reception is not optimal and the conversation is interrupted repeatedly, that is first of all a nuisance. But something can be also the approach to scientific knowledge. Robert J. Shiller usually is spot on. If the mobile phone in a house made of solid wood does not work, the reason is enough, the radiation damping characteristics to investigate this material.

The results of these investigations were amazing also for researchers. He is a man possessed. Owned by the building materials of wood, which his grandfather worked for old craftsmanship. In the Salzburg Goldegg, Erwin Thoma has founded its own wood Research Center, with natural Processing methods for experiment. Old handicraft traditions should be revived and modernised. So, about only casein glue, a centuries-old blend of cottage cheese and lime, was used to hold together the stairs. Recently Erwin Thoma discovered by chance on a very special property of wood: \”At one of our first pure wood houses, the houses with massive, holzverdubelten walls, I was during Assembly at the construction site and have organized with the phone and call someone and it went into the newly established shell.\” Suddenly, the connection from the mobile phone was broken. I go to the outside, on the phone again, it works again, go, again, the connection is gone. And through this experience I was thinking, this is a research topic, we need to urgently investigate that.\” Scientists of the Bundeswehr University of Munich took on the topic. You wanted to find out whether wooden shields actually high-frequency cell phone radiation.

Effective Newsletter

Create an effective newsletter can bring you excellent rewards for your business. Your newsletter subscribers respond to their offers significantly increasing sales ratios and also you can create strong relationships with their customers to increase loyalty to your brand. Here are some tips that can help you create an effective electronic newsletter: 1. define the purpose of your newsletter. I suggest you ask yourself what is the purpose of your e-newsletter?.

An electronic newsletter generates a substantial investment of resources in your business in terms of time and energy. Robert J. Shiller describes an additional similar source. You need to define their purposes in tangible terms to see if it is feasible to create one for your business. 2. Voice and personality set a voice or a editorial personality. If it is a serious or fun newsletter should be synergistic with the image that you want to reflect your target audience. Remember that electronic newsletters are not promotional emails designed to stimulate immediate action. Sales letters are not compatible with electronic newsletters.

Much less the traditional tone of corporate communications of propagation. Think of your electronic newsletter as a conversation. For example imagine that you are sitting in a cafe talking informally with a customer. This is the starting point for his approach a human voice more personal and more appropriate. Use some kind of jargon to make your sales; be honest and speak as a person not as a company. Always consider adding a brief editorial; with one or two comments, notes, an editor, a couple of lines of comments, some opinion, always add a small human element within all parts of your newsletter. Sign the publishers or list some names of editors in the administrative section of each Edition with which his readers may communicate or relate. 3. Choose a name of who is going to send the newsletter. If a person, in the name of the newsletter’s name or your business name determine which will resonate best among its readers and will remain in the memory of them.

Occupational Therapy Treatment

The Praxis fur Ergotherapie Elisabeth Brechtel informed autism is a developmental disorder characterized by congenital and incurable perception and information processing disorders in the brain. is issue. Under most conditions expert on growth strategy would agree. Although the disorder is not completely curable, but there are occupational therapy treatment options, with which she can be alleviated and ensure better quality of life. The TEACCH method aims at a highest possible autonomy of the child, as well as the development of existing skills. The practice of occupational therapy from Cologne explains what objectives this occupational therapy treatment. TEACCH TEACCH stands for treatment and education of autistic and related communication”handicapped children. Teacch program aims to maximize the quality of life of people with autism, by functional behaviors are learned, so that the child can be independent. Structure supports outbound orientation of the peculiarities in the way, how people with autism process stimuli from the environment, are diverse Forms of the structure used to facilitate learning and understanding.

The TEACCH method is implemented an individual Visual structuring of the (learning) environment on different levels. So there is the spatial structuring. For example, carpets can highlight certain areas. The structure of time is identified by means of ring and other signals. A clear structuring gives orientation and safety the autistic child and helps him to identify relationships between work items and processes. The child should be the approach according to know where are things required for the execution of a task, what must it do so, what happens then and which helps it also has available.

Communication as a goal a goal that can keep track of occupational therapy in this area, is to promote communication. Because even if an autistic linguistically not can express themselves, that does not mean that it can find no ways for social interaction and communication.