This happens because of the intention that if posali when constructing the wall, exactly that the mason and the owner dacasa had unconsciously put there the intention to bar, to protect. This intention in the astral seplasma with this characteristic. To the times in the astral we go in them to come across comlugares or enclosures almost that impetrvel this if must the intention dispatch by post there. Knowing of this I begin we can understand and also to create stops in the impenetrable places, our room, our house etc. Today we go to create a vestibule astral and for we will issousaremos the door of our room. The proper intention of the door is in same itself ode ticket. This intention reflects in the astral.
Then in such a way in the physicist as noastral it is an entrance and exit, ticket door. Who has or already tevecrianas small, bebezinhos, already it passed for occasions of the child to cry to echorar without apparent reason. Many times this happens because the cradle or the layer form child this made use that it has direct vision of the door. Sabendoque all child has the clarividncia a little developed, in these cases elapercebe the ticket of the beings of the astral for the door, and many times this bonitinhos seresno are nothing. Changing the position of the cradle of form that tenhaviso of the door directly does not cease this problem. Some basic cares must have when creating this ticket, in the truth criarmas not to increase its characteristic vibration.