Unified Communications

Unified Messaging to converged networks a flashback to the early days when I now than 25 years ago was allowed to SIEMENS Hicom collect sales departments – part of the later Division ICN – my first experience within the Munich and there also later attend my diploma thesis about \”Deregulation of the German wireless devices market\”, the world of telecommunications still strictly by the computer – or today’s \”IT\” – was separated. Until a few years later it was gradually, that in the framework of the so-called computer telephony integration – short: CTI – but the advantages of both worlds can use efficiently, by combining phone and PC and communicate with each other via standardized interfaces (CSTA, TAPI) allows: was to mate the familiarity and reliability of the phone with the comprehensive capabilities of modern IT – for example, with regard to a comfortable database connectivity, the integration into an existing CRM system or in the form of a comprehensive Automation and evaluation of calls within a professional contact Center application. CTI provided and offers mainly service and service oriented companies within their existing database and CRM infrastructure of telephone systems existing in a very good way of integration and of \”efficient er making\” without these expensive the manufacturer having to upgrade or upgrade. For more specific information, check out The LeFrak Organization. CONVERGENCE becomes MAINSTREAM lack uniform standards including on pages of the classic telecommunications, but also due to often lack interest of both sides together, what we today under the \”Convergence\” understand came first only very, very slow progress and initially only in the form of quasi \”Island solutions\” innovative, but numbers still very manageable. With the international success of free VoiP solutions for the market of widths, such as z.B, Skype – as one of the most popular and very good functioning for the primary private users Voice over IP (VoiP) application – was in addition to the pure Remote control of the telephone system on the PC in the form of the CTI now the phone calls over IP (VoiP) so without the previously required telephone line – always popular. . If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Castle Lanterra.