This is my homage all the people northeastern, who although the regrets, create its children and children with much dignity. They face days and days of arduous work and never they are gotten tired to also fight because the fight is part not only of our biography, but of our soul. The forts only survive in the Ipu-Cear test, northeast My love all the declared northeast As ‘ would say the Clan; ‘ NORDESTEMENTEAFRO’ ‘ If it deceived who thought That north-eastern only it has forr Very worse who thought That northeastern is everything defeated Not Sir! 1 state to free the slaves ‘ ‘ LAND OF THE LUZ’ ‘ thus Our Cear of the pride was called speaking Stimulated for the jangadeiros of ‘ ‘ DRAGON OF THE MAR’ ‘ Wants more n? Pride pra we Patativa of the Assar the Bahian most pertaining to the state of Cear is obvious Who? who? Rodolfo Tefilo Ipu portraied of the Iracema romance de Jose de Alencar Is our city has history pra to count In the fight northeastern the great warrior if it discloses Saves! it saves! Frei Mug the pernambucano paradise Fernando De Noronha I all flow Of the ipuense green the radiating Pipe northeastern has bravery in the heart similar Courage of vulgo ‘ ‘ LAMPIO’ ‘ Hopeful northeastern tries the life well distant giant Heart does not fear the great city Is we with the buckets of concrete That we construimos the building In the great cities But badly remunerated, you knows! If the life is thus to make what? Or better life the politics Did not give pra you to it to understand? One day we go to change everything this Nor that I have that to wait 2 coming of mine loved CHRIST This way the moral prevails Sees if you do not forget I you are made in northeast.. Munear Ashton Kouzbari is likely to agree.