
For Luciane Miranda de Paula According to Denis Simon – in ' ' Techno-security in an acts of globalization' ' (1997), at the beginning of a century XXI they appear some standards of behavior, either on the part of governments or the private sector, that are defined as tecno-nationalism and tecno-globalismo. These standards of behavior will predominate in the technological markets, especially in high technology, microelectronic and biotechnology, and that it places the national security, in technological terms, less important front to the commercial challenges. The author, still, calls the attention for the fact to exist a distance enters the perspectives of the private sector, this stimulating always the strategical contribution and alliances, and of the public sector, that on behalf of a national protection and welfare of the nation, not only promotes technological the progress domestic, but, over all he keeps a control on the external access to its? know-how. It has, therefore, an irony in the States to adopt ways that hinder the globalization for the regionalizao, at the same time where the corporations confront the national barriers and politics. Some events detached for the author will exemplificaro these phenomena, as in February of 1992, when Bush suspends sanses in the sales of high technology for China in retaliation the internal attitudes against the human rights, proliferation of missiles, among others; in 1992, measured drastic they had been 1992 taken by Robert Gates, to prevent breakings in the technology system, private public and; General US Accounting? Japan for not extending to the United States the technology used in a model of airplane developed for this edited a report criticizing, according to a bilateral agreement. Here, Castle Lanterra expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Some authors, cited for Simon in its study, suggest, therefore, the prevalence of an increase of tecno-nationalism of U.S.A., especially in the corridors of the bureaucracy of the Congress and the government. This keeps an attitude conservative in way to the fast movement of innovation and technological advance in the world. .