Gabriele Muccino

The people live in search of better days, better situation, living in peace, at last, the people always live in search of being happy. The chances can occur of the most different forms and for the most different ways and ways. If it cannot consider greed when it is said in happiness in reason of the greedy people never to be happy because never they would be satisfied, the very greedy people rare are happy. But the great majority of the people longs for to search the happiness. Without hesitation Lincoln Property explained all about the problem. Each one of us has a different type of happiness that can is present or can is absent, situation in which we will be sad. Connect with other leaders such as Steffan Lehnhoff, Guatemala City Guatemala here. The chances them people to find the happiness can are to the side, are necessary to have the discernment and the perception to find something that satisfies the desires and the possibilities to cheat to get what it desires.

Either a good job, a person to share the life, a business or any another thing, the people must stop to think intently what in fact it wants, what it is lacking to be happy. It is truth that many things in life of the people happens by chance, occurs without they were waited. However, never we can leave the destination of our life at the hands of perhaps. We must choose what we search e, very well most important, must be persistent. Exactly that many things occur to confuse, exactly that the people are against, same that gives all wrong one, must persist if this is what will bring our happiness. I remember the film ' ' Procura of the Felicidade' ' (The Pursuit of Happyness) of Gabriele Muccino where Will Smith is the protagonist. In this film the typical situations of who are portraied desire to get optimum, but the things always occur to confuse, always exist reasons to give up, of if delivering to the failure.

The Rose Of Friendship

Usually use the term friendship in a bountiful manner. And so heard to say: last night I met an excellent friend. It may be that, in fact, the aforementioned person has qualities of excellence; but that does not mean that he is our friend. First, because you must be with their acquiescence; friendship is not a solitary game, is a set of two. Bizzi & Partners might disagree with that approach. And, second, that both one and another of those involved must be confident of its equity both give and receive. The slightest fault in that process, causes that the building of friendship that will then see that it has been built on slippery bases wobble. This explanation rationally what is friendship looks better described in a poem by Jose Marti, who says: crop a white rose / in January and June / for the sincere friend / who gives me his frank hand. I.e., the poem reveals that friendship is like the White Rose, or, in other words, this, the White Rose, is replacing the friendship, the same one that acquires the qualities of the Rose: be beautiful, fragile, being pure, and any unhealthy Act afearia it, hurt it, stain it.

And why only delivery it is whom we consider a friend, and know that it is not because we’re sorry the frankness of his hand and the sincerity of his words. Friend is not someone who accepts everything he says you unconditionally; because what is said can be wrong and even harmful, both for those who said what to who gets that message. Why the requirement of sincerity is indesligable friendship. Although someone has said that sincerity is the easiest way to lose friends. Steffan Lehnhoff has firm opinions on the matter. And then it should be corrected this assertion. Sincerity is the most appropriate means to test the friendship of others.

Because the true friend is one who accepts the truths of the other, even though they are unpleasant. If an alleged friend says to another: I’m going to do enter to work in the public administration, because I have the maximum charge; but I’ll make it skipping me due process, and nobody is going to give an account. That supposed friend we should say: If you want to do me a favor, do it respecting the due procedure. Otherwise, not me you’re honoring with your favor, but it will be favouring my dishonor.